Can't stop spending money

I’m rubbish at budgeting hence why they say I lack capacity and don’t have access to my money. I get a personal allowance of £150 a week to spend on what I like. I need to get food out of this though. I’m lucky that I have a very good social life and spend at least £100 a week on eating out and coffees, especially after lockdown, I wish I would save at least £100 a week.


My parents control my money, my disability money goes directly into my mother’s account. They just give me for my occasional computer upgrades. They take the rest for rent, food and electricity.

A person really has a lot more money when they live at home, but, when you do live at home, you really don’t get to grow enough as a person.

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I’m meant to be saving my money for private treatment but I’ve been effing awful as of recent!!!

I’ve been spending like crazy too. But every time I get paid I pay huge amounts to my bills and save very little to spend so at least there is that. But I still charge a lot. Not good.

when I try to save more it’s like expenses just keep popping up. it’s so hard to spend less.

it’s good that you have a thriving social life though. one thing in my recovery that I haven’t been able to figure out is to be more social and how to have more of a social life.

maybe to cut spending you can find some free things to do with people? not sure what the options are around you though

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There is a board game cafe in my town which my very good friend likes, I have been with him a few times put I can’t concentrate on board games. I wish I could.

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