my theraist told me i need to be compassionate towards the voices…does this help
Engaging with my voices or trying to treat them benevolently simply made them worse. I just ignore them now.
Being nice to my voices made them worse. It’s like they fed off my weakness.
That sounds like the kind of advice you’d get from someone with no experience with hallucinations.
i don’t usually communicate with my voices.
never thought of that.
they just come and go very quickly and aggressively.
something that i’ve noticed is that now that i’m in treatment is that they fight back.
while being in DBT, the voices were friggin loud.
i told my therapist this and he understood.
listen, i find that today’s world has no idea how schizophrenia works.
we are the key.
the key for a definite cure.
i’m doing the best i can to express myself in order for the doctors to understand what is going on inside my head.
cause i want to know too.
you know?
I ignore mine. If I acknowledge them they play into my obsessive thinking and this can make me delusional, when I start believing the voices then I slip fully into psychosis and could end up hurting myself thinking I have microchip implanted in me.
Being religious made them nice most of the time, but they still would flip on a dime. I don’t hear them anymore, thankfully, due to my treatment.
Ignoring them is the only way I survived. Talking to or acknowledging them in any way only made things worse.
I’ve hear about this approach to hallucinations before, and apparently it works well for some people. These people usually have very mild hallucinations, are fully aware they are hallucinating, and don’t suffer from other psychotic symptoms.
If there anything like mine they will act on your kindness and try to play you. When i did talk to them nicely they would pretend to act nice but then they would suggest to kill myself some how. When you dont listen to what they say they get maaaaddddd . Yo show no mercy on them thangs. Cause even when there nice theres a mean one that chimes in and then theres an arguement in your head and then your just annoyed and its really loud and confusing. Nice or not im just glad mine are gone pretty much
Being rude to them showed them who was in charge
One could argue that since voices stem from ourselves, by being mean to them or refusing to acknowledge them, we are refusing to acknowledge ourselves.
By being compassionate to them, we are telling ourselves it’s okay to not be perfect/normal.
It feels like the more I fight and ignore them, the stronger they get, while if I acknowledge that they’re there, they sort of die out after a while.
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