How to stay awake?

i need ways to keep my mind occupied so i dont fall asleep. at least for 6 more hours. i broke the cycle of going to sleep at 8am and waking up at 8pm but now its 3pm and sleep seems like such a good idea considering ive been awake since 8pm yesterday. i just want to wrap up in my covers it will be so satisfying but then i will probably sleep to 3am

Do an activity to pass the time

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I have a similar problem with falling asleep during the day sometimes and messing up my schedule. I have resorted to caffeine pills when I am feeling drowsy too early.

It’s not a perfect solution, but it helps.


i just played the elder scrolls online for a few hours. stopped to eat

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i drank 4 cups of coffee. caffeine has little effect on my sleep pattern. maybe because ive been chugging it daily for over 2 years without a break


I just drank 2 big coffees and could sleep. So if i need to stay awake i do activity. At the moment im just watch ufc fights lol

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I had this problem for a whole year i went to bed at 7 or 8 am and woke up at 5 pm but one day it just reverted somehow


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