How to make Easter Dinner

I happened to see this for the first time a couple days ago, in the midst of a depressive episode while worrying about my upcoming homelessness and while I had just eaten the very last meal in my cabinets and fridge. People claim all the time “I have no food, theres no food in here” when whats really happening is a lack of appealing and easy options. all that’s left is the dry rice and the half onion in the back of the fridge and some old tea packets. I was truelly completely out of food after eating my very last box of rice r roni. this video hurt to watch. literally hurt my stomach to see him throwing things away and mutilating ■■■■ I would have killed for at that moment.

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i think it’s the most hilarious thing i’ve seen in years & it really cheered me up.

All the food he uses is stuff that would have been thrown away & is out of date - you can check that out on his channel.

Blame the endemic sickness, selfishness, greed, heartlessness, ego based mass insanity, ignorance & stupidity of this culture/society for your predicament - Not a comical video.