anybody else into these kind of videos? i find them quite relaxing…
Yes I watch them a lot
There are good Korean ones but I prefer indian
really hmm ill have to check that out! Theres one popular channel where the guy cooks massive meals for orphans in his town.
I used to watch these kind of things and masterchef when I was anorexic
wow i see… sorry to hear about those times glad your doing better now. I sometimes watch food videos when im hungry and dieting.
very cool dude! i love watching the process and im not even into culinary stuff lol
There is always an understated elegance to Japanese cuisine.
absolutely! if youre into japanese food videos im sure youve heard of this popular chef who makes that japanese egg dish. Hes quite a character!!
Give me about 30 seconds.
Nevermind, some ■■■■■ ate the apple I left on the dirt.
No, I am not mad. I’m glad some ■■■■■ shared an apple with this ■■■■■.
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