I think guilt can be something like a defense. But it is only when you take down that wall that you can heal and become responsible and therefore real again. I go through a stage of feeling really confused before it clears up.
This post resonates deeply with me. I’m sorry Chordy. Guilt might be one of the hardest things to feel. Up there with despair and loss.
I’ve seen you here for a long time and though I know your presence on this site is only a tiny piece of who you are, I can see that you’re a kind hearted person. Whatever you’re feeling guilty about, I hope you are able to heal it soon. Hugs.
It’s people like you who make me want to heal. Thank you, @bittercat .
Confession 76373
Yes, and not just me. My mother built a wall of guilt about herself that did her no good, either. It just made more neglect.
I think admitting our wrongs to God especially sacramentaly helps us be humble and releases that great heaviness. Even just saying. Please forgive me for this wrong I did takes a little weight off our shoulder’s cause we don’t have to fight against the truth all day.
I think the greatest problem with forgiveness is an intrusive fear of punishment. The fear just takes over. That and pride. Pride can be a stubborn old thing.
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