How to be kind to yourself

I really want to learn to start loving myself and being kinder.

I’m on a new level of depression right now.

What do u do to not be too hard on yourself


i recognize my accomplishments and appreciate them


Being kind to oneself can be very good and helpful such as encouraging, understanding, caring etc💕.

I am kind to myself and understand myself .

Therefor I can be proud over myself for little things that no one else can see as an achievement such as I can be proud for doing the dishes , cleaning, shaving and managing hygiene, going grocery shopping, making a hat etc

I am very proud of my licence and have difficulties driving.
I only usually drive to some places and plan ahead.
I drove interstate recently but could not do it alone.
My bf had walki talkies and he directed me on it how to drive and he was infront with his car but I did cry.

I know myself and do not wAnt to expect unrealistic things of myself that I feel would make me worse or put me at risk of triggers etc

Maybe others are nice to you too.

It can be comforting oneself …making cup of tea etc


hi, you can recognise anything you have achieved and try to better yourself by learning something be it languages, art, music whatever - if your trying at least there is that !

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I was feeling really depressed only a few months ago. There were things that made me feel down, hopeless and worthless. Identify what makes you feel this way, it probably seems like there’s lots of things but there will probably only be a few root causes once you narrow it down. The major thing that helped me was setting goals to change how I felt and then working towards them everyday. As you work, you feel better, you get momentum, and it becomes easier.



Been sitting in my car for like 5 hours now. Can’t seem to get out

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If you talk to someone about your problems they can help you figure out solutions. I think you should get out of your car and go rest or something

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Hmmm, if I want to be kind to myself, i’d start by saying things like:
Sit down, have a cup of coffee, give yourself a few minutes to relax. The world won’t care if you wait 15 minutes before you join them.

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I say to myself, “It doesn’t matter if you’re a half an hour late for anything.”

Its weird how much i love my cat. I think that makes me feel good. The best thing im close to. Im going to see doc 5days so hopefully can wait

Out and thanks like a racoon.


I look in the mirror and give myself three compliments every day. They can be small things, or bigger things. And I celebrate every minor victory.


You have to help others.

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I celebrated a minor victory today by buying a book. Now I have a lot of books to read.

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I try to be kind to myself by recognising my limits and stopping before them. Having coffee and reading a book or painting. Having fun. Treating myself to something at shops.

But where I fail to be kind to myself is in self talk. I often curse myself it’s bad I know. My husband has to help me out of that one…or my mom or sister.

It’s not always easy to be kind to oneself but it’s definitely important :slight_smile:

It’s hard when u keep getting brought down.

I’ve got one person I can trust that’s my mom and I can’t let her down with problems or hurt her.

Today I did the stupidest stuff ever. It’s been Long since I’ve done it. Im down for the next month i can feel it.

Going to see doc tomorrow plans changed which is good.

Be safe

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Trying to be kind but it’s difficult when everyone puts you down especially and or gets upset at you.

Go to bed at a decent hour. For instance, it is now 2:00 am and I am still up.

Be kind to yourself: Get good sleep, eat nutritious food, exercise, meditate, read, create, pray, attend church services, own a pet, be social, practice good hygiene, get outdoors on occasion, practice recreation, practice good financial organization, volunteer.