How often do you masturbate?

I do it every once every two days

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For me, masturbating is equivalent to 20 cups of coffee. So very rarely and only before sleep.

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Yes that right
When i am depressed or in pain i masturbate
For me too usually before sleep but not a condition

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Not enough to make the daily news.


I had to stop cause got blisters.


Once, maybe twice a week

Lol, yeah when I was younger I wore out my hand to the bone.


It was everyday. I have a gf now. It’s like once a week.

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I do not masturbate.

I am happy to not do so.

I hope to have a great sex life in the future because I can still get attracted and I can still get turned on and I do get turned on but I just “be horny” without masturbating.

My x boyfriend and I did not have sex often enough.(once every four months or so).i want more often than that atleast once a week I think.

I am not that good at masturbating.

I can make myself orgasm easily but it is not a intense orgasm and it’s just boring.

I want intimacy, communication, love, sacred union, fun , excitement etc that I feel I can only get the great experience that can be extatic with a partner.


Well since I no longer have a secretary I have no idea.


She tracked everything from BM to BDSM.

Her pension was about to max out so I let her go.


Way too paranoid for that. Cameras.

I masturbate each time I see thread like this!For once,let someone open masturbation thread so you folks could share your experience all the time!


Yeah why does this question get asked every month :open_mouth:

I feel dirtier every time I answer it, I’m starting to think it was TMI from the beginning.


Me? Absolutely never. I feel nothing down there. It’s a complete waste of time. Risperdal has made me into a female eunuch.

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When psychotic and new to all this I’d ask my doc…is once a day too much.

As someone on meds and after some decent, real relationships I’d often say if asked…Every chance I can get whether in a relationship or not!

Nowadays. I’m 49. Not in a relationship and honestly less horny so it still goes. Every chance I get…which isn’t as often as the past for sure but it’s not nothing! :slight_smile:

somewhere between 5x in a row and not for a few years!

these days once a month haha

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Only when I feel a strong urge to do it, like twice a day,

jk, maybe once every 5 days, I could do it more often but I prefer not doing it much, not cool

Some days I masturbate about 12 times. It tires me out and interferes with me going out lol. It’s like I could be walking to the shops and I’m horny as hell. It’s very embarrassing. I know I have a problem. I get very vivid images in my head about sex and I have to let it out by masturbating lol. I enjoy it but I’m also sick of it. Constantly horny lol.

My old girlfriend was very horny but at that time I had no libido when I was with her because of antidepressants. She would get a pounding if she was here now lol.

Not too often anymore. I’m getting old.

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Pretty much daily. Sometimes 2-3 times in a day. Very difficult to orgasm around the time when I ovulate so sometimes I skip it then.

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