How my friends are feeling today?

I am doing so good!! Feeling amazing both mentally both physically.
Had an amazing sleep and probably supplements are helping also. :)))


Soooo who wants to chat???


I’m pretty relaxed. Really enjoying the summer. Enjoying taking care of the house and yard. My parents have been in really good moods lately. I am enjoying all my hobbies. Listening to Pandora radio all the time. Listening to so much music. My sleep has been really good. And my energy is very good. I tried to see how I do skipping some days of medication. To see if I have more energy for the day. But I realize I feel so much better with my medication. I’m really enjoying my medication actually. The only thing about the medication is it makes me gain a lot of weight. So I’m working on starting to diet more now. I’m staying very active working on the house and yard and going and getting groceries and cooking. Life is pretty good now. Getting a little exercise most days sitting on my bike in the basement on a stand and peddling it. It’s so nice to hear that you’re doing good @anon8411913.

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I’m feeling tired. I slept too much and studied this morning. I still have the spasm in my arm.

Maybe another coffee will help?


What supplements are helping you?

Glad you’re feeling good!

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I use omega-3, lion’s mane, iron and neurozan ^^


Just watching Lucifer on Netflix. Tryna finish this show once and for all.

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I’m doing well. Had a fun day yesterday. Went to a local festival with some friends from meetup that sold lots of food and cheese and that hosted a chilli eating contest. We happened to know one of the 5 contestants. She came second and did a very good job.


I use to take omega 3 too! It’s Soo expensive now tho. I need a J.O.B ! Also… glad your happy today :grin:

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