How much money do you get on your disability allowance each week in your country?

i get 188 euro a week on my disability allowance…also free medication and free travel pass here in Ireland


I don’t take it, but it’s 217€ a month here in Portugal. It’s ridiculous

so that works out at just over 50euro a week minnii, that would be hard to live on…

Impossible really

we get a xmas bonus here 400euro… a week before xmas…


the free travel pass here is great i can use it on all the public transport, although i drive mostly


i had to pay for one zyprexa tablet before it cost 16 euro…because im on disiabilty i get them free and free GP and free visits to my psychirist, and its free in hospital too…i guess my country looks after us here…


Yeah, the pdoc visits are free also, the nurse visits. The GP is five euros. The med was supposed to be 300, government pays for most I only pay 30€


I get unemployment benefits. It’s about 300€ a week. But I will get more soon when I get disability.

@anon9798425 thats good money…what country are you living in?

One of the Scandinavian countries.

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about £76 a week

That’s equivalent to 96€.

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I get 45€ (or MYR 200) every month. Free medical visit and medicine supply. 50% discounted domestic flight and 50% discounted public transportation (only in major cities).


I got zero. Because my country don’t have human right.

i also get zero…
i wish i would be born in Europe or America…
though u guys are lucky…happy 4 ya’ll…

hey @anon9798425 u r lucky…
it means 1200 euros a month…
could u share some portion of it to me…
just kidding…gud for u…
take care…:pray:

I still need money from my parents to get by. My rent is 1000€ and I spend 300€ or more on food every month.

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what about ur parents…don’t they work…?? they might earn something for living…right…

They both work and they send me money every month. I’m lucky to have them. The state will give me more money soon though and then I won’t have to rely on my parents’ money.