How much money do you get on your disability allowance each week in your country?

You are lucky. So you can focus on recovery from sz.


Yes, Iā€™m lucky. Trying really hard to get better. I get very good treatment for my sz because I live in a city, and my meds are free too.

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@moonlee why donā€™t u get disability allowancesā€¦arenā€™t u from Europe or Americaā€¦which country are u fromā€¦???
btw i am from Nepalā€¦
take careā€¦:pray:

I am from china. It is very difficult to get money from gov. And no one care about young poor man.

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in the future they might amend some lawsā€¦that will help disableā€¦
i like jakie chanā€¦he iz my favorite actor ā€¦he iz also from china rightā€¦???
what r u favorite actorsā€¦???

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He is from hongkong. My favorite chinese actor is bruce lee. He is also from hongkong.


I think I am getting a little over $700.00 a month on disability here in Oklahoma. I donā€™t ever see any of that. Instead, Iā€™m getting $47.00 a week to pay expenses. I also get $143.00 a month in food stamps. Also, I get a $50.00 a month payment for not smoking. They provide a pack a day of cigarettes to the smokers where I live. The people who donā€™t smoke get the money the program would have spent on their cigarettes. My rent is paid by the program Iā€™m in, and my medications are paid too.
Iā€™m in a program within the auspices of my assisted living center called the ā€œindependent living programā€. The people at my assisted living center who arenā€™t in this program get $10.00 a week spending money. Their rent and medā€™s are paid for. A few of them get money from home, and the people who donā€™t smoke get the $50.00 a month payment for not smoking.


sounds like a good incentive to stop smoking :slight_smile:


In Canada itā€™s about $1000/month

I get $1150 a month. SSDI.

It is. There are often several people in the program trying to quit smoking at any given time. Not smoking makes a huge difference in the amount of discretionary income I have. For a lot of the people who smoke one pack a day wonā€™t do it. They have to spend more money on more cigarettes. A lot of them try to quit for their health, too. There is a guy who was in our program many years who cigarettes basically killed. Cancer is all over his body, and his breathing sounds like loud static on the radio. He had one of the worst smokerā€™s cough Iā€™ve ever heard. He was hopelessly addicted to cigarettes, and now he is in the hospital with a tube in his chest going through hell.

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