What sparked the idea for this topic was my mom complaining about the neighbors cars parked all over the street. In front of peoples houses and such. It’s so bad and so packed that they have to squeeze them into spots and they are almost blocking our driveway. At one point we counted 12 vehicles for neighbors! That’s just crazy IMO. We are thinking they have 10 currently. I’m not sure how many people are in their household at the moment but its only 2 or 3(not sure if daughter is living there).
Yeah, I don’t know. I guess they are just collecting them? Maybe they are reselling? I honestly don’t know. But they have a pretty consistent stock of 10 vehicles or more. One disappears every once in awhile and a new one appears. No idea.
I’d guess you’re right about them selling the cars. I used to have a neighbor who fixed up beaters and resold them for cheap. I bet your neighbors are doing something similar.
We really only have one consistently driven vehicle. Our van. Our other vehicle used to be my sisters who died 10 years ago. It’s a volvo. It’s pretty old and has some quirks. It usually only gets driven when my dad goes to mow a lawn or something. It’s a hatchback and is convenient for loading a lawnmower in. I dont think he likes to get the van dirty as its newer.
We have one car. I think that’s all my dad and stepmom can afford and we have a one car garage and someone from the apartments across the street always parks right in front of our house so we can’t get two cars and my dad can’t drive because he had a stroke.
My ex brother in law used to have that problem with a person parking in front of their house. My sister was missing a leg and had a prosthetic and what he did to solve the problem was have the city designate it a handicap parking spot I believe. If someone in your family is disabled, maybe this is an option? I don’t know. My ex brother in law was well connected and knew how to get things accomplished so, I don’t know.