How many times do u masturbate in a day

I use to do it 7 times a day…when u was 20yrs old…now i am 31 years old i do it twice a week…i am on medication now…i some time feel like i am asexual …haha i am a nasty man…man!!!


7 times?? :head_bandage:


I try to average around (phi^-1)/2 times per day.


Sup tree why do u participate less in this forum…are u scared of ninja mod …!!!


Eh interesting topic … 0 times… 0 times today


Recently I’ve lost my ■■■■ so like once a month. I am however trying to get back into it though. I was a bit paranoid that cause I hadn’t done it for so long that it might come out weird but I relieved myself successfully 2 days ago and it was fine

Ish dont get suspended …kidding …hahahha…

No, I’ve just had a lot on my plate. :slight_smile: And now I’m sick again. :disappointed_relieved:


Sz sick or physical sick?

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J u are a virgin right…

I believe 2 times per day is healthy for 30 - 40 year olds and then once per day for 40 - 50

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I hope talking about boobies doesn’t warrant a suspension :frowning:


Eh sorry wrong thread @far_cry0

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Thought I was in the boobs thread


Woman also masturbate lots they just lie about it

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Ish i was just kidding…aku used to be my best friend …as he iz from india…i like india and bollywood… he should be aware that how to use forum guidelines…i am sorry for both of u…take care life is short …boost ur self esteem as much as u can…lots of warm love from nepal…

Your saying never?

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Age and meds kinda slows me down, but I like not being in the mood all the time, Had enough of the craziness of being young and in over drive.

Always was a hyper person in all area’s of life, Once a week just suits me fine now

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thanks but i am not sure why you are sorry for me…

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0 times today :joy: