How many people do you know from your everyday life that have sz/sza

I know it is an extremely rare condition but i have met five people in my VERY small town who have sz/sza. Chance meetings that sometimes turn into friendships. I feel like there is a special magnetism amongst the mentally ill. Most of my in person friends have mi of some kind. Do you think there is a special connection that brings mentally ill people together?


I have 1 brother from my soxiety who has sz…he is 40 yrs …he iz out of medication…thanks bro…what are upto …

Looking forward to sleep, and you?

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Ok good night i just wake up its 9:20 am here in nepal…are u from us…

None in my town with SZ. Know one other autistic, but I avoid socializing with him.

My girlfriend has schizophrenia, and one of her friends has schizophrenia.



Who cooks food in ur house ur girlfriend…


Yes, my girlfriend does all of the cooking. The only thing I make are reservations.


Pretty sure my area has a 90% MI rate. At least it appears this way from my observations.
Most aren’t officially Dx’d, but the only difference between this town and the nuthouse is the locked doors.


Is she high functional…is she works…

Besides my uncle and grandmother, who have both passed, I have never met anyone else with sz/a

Edit: that I was aware of


She has almost all negative and cognitive symptoms (I have no negative or cognitive symptoms).

She doesn’t work.

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@kindness that means u can work right…do u have decent job…what do u work for…i cant work due to negative and cognitive symptoms… god bless u my big brother.

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I’m self-employed. I work in real estate.


an ex coworker’s brother had schizophrenia. he robbed a convenience store and went to jail for a little while. i don’t know what he’s doing now. he also stole a car then returned it hours later. the owner was waiting for him with a baseball bat. i bet he never stole a car again. i remember he was being chased by demons a lot.

I was involved with an local offline support group for mental illness for awhile so sz and sza was common.

Just the homeless ppl i used to see in the streets until i got sz. A couple friends with “manic depressive” parents but otherwise no MI even

I suspect my co-worker is schizophrenic but I would never ask him. He has hygiene problems. He talks to himself and grimaces a lot. And he is disheveled in his appearance and is obviously mentally ill.

Nice guy, good worker and very friendly. And that’s all that matters.

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Ran into a schizoprhenic who played at my same cricket club. He actually saw my psydoc to let him go home from the mental wards. Great guy…and it’s good that at the cricket club I’m known to be a little different!

Run into heaps of anxietal and mentally ill folk…especially depressives…just rare for schizophrenia!

A friend in the struggle,


I’ve only met 1 and that was in a mental ward. She was tormented by religious demons that told her to do bad stuff.