Are you friends with other people with sz?

I have experienced being friends with a person with sz. I enjoyed that relationship.


Yes, a few, but only at a distance. No one local to me.


In the hospital currently yes


I am afraid they quit their meds and go nuts but anyways I have no friends with mental illness. My friends don’t have mental illness. I do know though twins with sz my friend’s friends but we don’t talk.


I act nuts with or without meds.



I’ve had good friends who were schizophrenic. I knew them for years and they were way nicer then any friends I had before I got sick.


I don’t know anyone irl with a SZ or SZA diagnosis. I wish I did. I’d like to think of you guys as internet friends.


Yeah ive known a few in the past. Not currently though.

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I am not friends with anyone else with SZ that I’m aware of…

But I do have a couple friends with bipolar disorder

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I had a friend with bipolar. He did lots of drugs. That didn’t bother me. He stayed up for days on adderal then would crash on Xanax bars. We would go out to eat and he would go to the bathroom and drop a Xanax bar. He would then sit down and pass out the entire time we were eating. He was so inconsistent because of his illness. He’d say let’s go out tomorrow then be out sleeping for a week straight leaving me hanging. Now I have problems with seeing things that aren’t there and making connections where they don’t exist but I can overlook them with medicine. I still get lost in my delusions but they don’t prevent me from eating a meal with someone. I’ll think the music is about me when I’m out and people are talking about me but I overlook it. I got an out afterwards, I go home and deal with my problems at home. The guy with bipolar is a good guy with a heart of gold he just has too many problems for a consistent friendship. You suffer hanging out with him. Have a good evening.


No. My brother has it but he stopped talking to me when he got it. His choice not mine.

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I have been friends with people with depression and bipolar but not sz. I would think they would be crazy, but then so am I.

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I am good (online) friends with someone on here.

Otherwise, no. I dont purposely avoid people with our diagnosis…but I only leave the house about an hour a week due to agoraphobia.

Love S tho. :slightly_smiling_face:

My best friend (other than my husband) has similar diagnosis… I won’t say what he has… Not sure he wants just anyone to know

i made friends with someone while in the psych ward but the friendship didn’t last because he kept hearing voices saying bad things about me.

Never a good idea

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I have a friend with sz. But he’s high functioning and works full-time. He’s on abilify injections. Meds got rid of all of his symptoms. He’s lucky.

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Not really other than on this website.

Still. Maintained a relationship of sorts with my ex mrs on the net but she was so much crazier than me.

Learning to let go of that sort of stuff online these days which is why my internet footprint is getting smaller!

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Do not know no one else with Sz. Everyones bi-polar BPD in here. With a sprinkling of Dementia.

Dont bother me. Sure there are others local - just aint met them.

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I have some schizophrenic friends, I really enjoy those relationships. They understand, obviously

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