How many of you have vision problems?

I have had lots of things that could potentially modify my vision over the last few years. Cataracts, Diabetes, Cataract surgery, AP’s, Ozempic use, smoking for years, Entering my 50’s.

It used to be that my vision was good up close but poor at a distance ( Near sighted). Now, after cataract surgery, my vision is pretty good at a distance but lousy up close.

Anyway, I am wondering if others taking antipsychotics have experienced either temporary or more permanent without surgery, vision changes.

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I get blurry vision from some APs.

To the point I get anxiety.

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Clozapine gave me blurry vision as well as haldol. So AP’s can definitely cause it.

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Seroquel gave me eye “floaters”…but that was years ago and at 900mg. But my vision sucks anyway, I have glasses and bifocals.

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Meds gave me very frustrating blurred vision.

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I wear bifocals…have pretty good sight…floaters but they 've been there all my life.

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I’m nearsighted (can’t see far well)
I need glasses when driving or going out in public

I blame my poor vision on age and APs

Also I am diabetic

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I used to have 20/20 vision, probably still do now, but I had to wear glasses early on due to dissociation. I had severe or chronic derealization and depersonalization for years. It went away about 99.999% and I still take meds now. I think meds make it worse, but I also had perception or illusions and it might be considered a positive symptom. I was stuck in my mind or head for several years. It’s probably anxiety related. Caffeine and nicotine make it worse obviously.

I took several supplements and after 7 or so years it went away. I don’t know. I still have cognitive dissociation I guess, but not visual disturbances…they are rare now!

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I got blurry vision from meds. I’m far-sighted so need glasses to read up close. Also have severe visual hallucinations.


Due to damage from a stroke, my right eye muscle is mostly paralyzed. I have double vision as well. They put a prism in my right lense of my glasses and it helped.

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I get annoying worm floaters


I got eagle eyes. :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Last time I checked I had 20/60 vision. But lately, staring at a computer screen for long periods of time makes my vision blurry. I might need to get my eyes checked again. It has been a while.

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Me too! When I look up at the sky I see a bunch of squiggles.


Yea me too. I call them worms

They piss me off


I just have astigmatism. I’m nearsighted as well.


I got glasses when I was 21.

Was taking meds already for six years.

Nearsighted. Struggle with blurry vision.


I got blurry vision from flupentixol, it comes and goes

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I got surgery and got me from astigmatism to better than 20/20. Since year 11 I had glasses and for about 20 years of contacts and glasses got the surgery which will hopefully save me money over all! It was an ordeal giving complete control to the surgeon!

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