How many of you are heavy smokers?

I’ve smoked heavily since 15-21. (Tobacco)

Around 2-3 packs a day everyday, literally everyday maybe like 6-10days in 6 years I haven’t.

Recently I’m smoking more and more consistently, and the ones close to me are really starting to take notice and call me out on it.

So are you a heavy smoker,
What do you think about quitting/$$$/health/and or care about this?

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at one point i smoked every hour i was awake for like almost a year it wasn’t tobacco tho

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Ah I was referring to tobacco, smoking weed would probably make me pass out and stir up my imagination, I’m dreaming enough as it is :smile:


I was a Heavy Smoker in the past - 2 packs a day.
I gave it up and quit cold turkey.
It is possible.


I’ve seen a couple of guys die because of cigarettes. One of them would be on the oxygen machine while he smoked a cigarette. Get off cigarettes if you can. They aren’t worth it.

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Found out early I could either smoke cigarettes, or breathe, but not both. 3 out of 6 in our family smoked, and that’s the reason I dislike the smell of cigarette smoke in a house.

I was a heavy smoker but only when I dated a chain smoking guy in my early 20’s for maybe 4 months.

I don’t smoke at all now.

But I do get strong cravings for Red Man chewing tobacco though, especially the golden blend.
I went thru a chewing tobacco and Swedish Snus phase after I broke up with that chain smoking guy.

I haven’t bought any Red Man in years, but I’m so tempted to buy a pouch…grrr

Yeah I smoke a pack a day. Its not good. My deepest desire is to kick this deadly habit. I have a quit date set - my 50th birthday (July 23) But with how bad my lungs are right now I may have to quit sooner. You wanna quit with me?

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I want to quit as well going to go to the patch


I wish you all the luck in the world, you can do this!


“How many of you are heavy smokers?” Minus me. i don’t smoke.

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i am… two pack a day sometimes more
even quited for a two years period but than started again
gained like 10kg for those 2 years
im not quiting again but maybe i go on nicotine patches or vaping

me :blush:. 2 packs per day and i feel it badly already… But i cant stop them, really, its too hard now. maybe in the future i can decrease the cigarettes…

I smoked 1 pack a day averaged over 10 years. For maybe 1 year 2-3 packs a day and i developed nasty smokers cough. Public housing has gone non smoking so i have to go outside now, cut back to 13 a day. No cough, occasionaly i cough up brown phlem but that hasnt happened in a week.

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I’m a heavy vaper!!!


There’s an old Bill Hicks joke

“I smoke. About 2 lighters a day”

But I used to smoke about a pack and a half a day before I started vaping. Now I just vape and don’t smoke at all. Vaping people. VAPING ! You have to try it.


15 cigarretres a day more or less.

Me. I picks cigs up off the ground, rip off the filter, and smoke them in an aluminium bowl because I have no monies and I’m addicted. Brb

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I think that for me it’s not feasible to quit. Especially a substance available so widely such as, tobacco, ethanol, cannabis.

I have been a heavy smoker since my illness and I recently tried to quit and went for 10 days. I’m going to try again in about a month

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