How long have you been suffering

I’ve been suffering since I was 15 years old. So it’s been 24 yrs. I been suffering with Social Phobia, major depression, and sz.


i’ve had schizophrenia of some form or another since i was 4 or so

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About 24 years too.

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My suffering has been severe, moderate, and mild, at different times, over 37 years with schizophrenia. I would say moderate most of the time.

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30 years

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Since I was 14. I’m 34 now so it’s been 20 years with various forms of mental illness. My sza started in 2002. Before that I started with anxiety and phobias and voices.

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Age of thirteen. Well walkings in thaww you sonuvabitcheir

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Was dxed at 23. Am 34 now. But a form of ptsd since the age of ten.

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Been suffering my whole life with dysfunctional family and later on sza so it’s been hell my whole life. Most people in my shoes would have tooken there life years ago


Lifetime. I’m 42.

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1 year 15151515

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I developed schizophrenia in 2013-2014 when I abused Piracetam daily for a number of months, but the true suffering didn’t start until 2015, when I developed a chronic 8.5/10 headache that didn’t get much better until very recently.

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there was mental doom,

but not until forced speech
did I have to get on meds.

So happy when it went away.

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I hav been suffering with the same things and bulimia since I was about 14. So 13 years

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I think it’s at it’s worst about your age,

how do you manage?
Are you female?
I didn’t get on meds til about age 27.

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I’ve heard voices since I was 5 years old or so. They didn’t get bad until I was in my twenties though.

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Yes I am female. I manage by fighting every day to not binge, because it is highly likely if I binge I will attempt to throw up. Are you female? Do u hav bulimia?

I’m female too, went through some anorxeia,

used to be rather pretty, and thought I needed to for men.
Godspeed, honey.

I’d like to be outgrowing this by now,
but it’s not looking like it.

I can relate to this feeling. I feel like I need to be thin as well. I don’t kno if I feel like that for men or because I feel like no one likes me wen I am overweight

Deep down a part of me wants to be too thin, but lately I hav been very unsuccessful

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