As above, is it a day, few days, weeks etc?
Days most of the time, i am pretty lonely
I was seeing people weekly but my groups got cancelled this month because of the rise of Covid cases here in the U.S. so I’ll just see my dad and stepmom every day then on Wednesdays my stepmom might be able to take me to the university to walk the track.
i see my parents every day cause i live with them.
I can not speak to a soul for about a week. I spend alot of time alone. Obviously not too great with public so makes life simpler.
The brother will text tho - just to see im still kicking.
Months. I never planned on living this long. I don’t like my family members seeing me with negative symptoms.
Hours. I live with my daughter and fiancé. I am very grateful for time with them, but also very grateful for time alone.
Not counting spouse and errands - 3.5 mos.
Had to go to hospital for bloodwork last week
Had to go to pharmacy to get a booster earlier this mo.
Had to go to pharmacy in December
I count telephone with caseworker 1 hour every week as social.
Spouse wants to see my sister, niece and nephews for his social sanity next week.
So this will be real p2p socialization.
I see my father everyday, occasionally my brother and other family members.
Probably 2 or 3 days.
How do you manage to live alone? You do housework?
My Dad comes by a couple times a week. I would rather be alone.
I mean is it hard to take care of a house alone? I live with family and they do most of the work, cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc
Yes it is. A lot of stuff goes undone.
For me its worse in summers.
I see my family everyday, and we always have visitors from time to time. So I would say never.
I see my parents everyday. I am almost never alone. So much for the naked challenge.
I live with someone right now, but when they’re out of the house, I can go weeks without socialising more than I have to.
I work, so I still see people.
But when I did work from home and had to go days without seeing anyone, I usually started falling apart at day 4.
When I was sick, I would stay without face-to-face interactions for a week at a time, but now I NEED to socialize or I get anxiety.
Usually an hour so so (married). Maybe thirty seconds at a time if we’re including my cat.
I am almost always with my husband. He works from home, most days. And we spend time together, on the weekends, just having fun.
He goes to the office at least 1 day per week. When he goes to the office, I’m usually alone for about 10 hours.
Sometimes, I’ll see my mom or my dad. I sometimes have lunch with one of them (they are divorced), or I’ll stop by my dad’s office, to chat (he’s the boss).
Every few months, I see my friend. We’ve known each other since about age 7. She wants to move to Seattle, WA, soon. I would hardly see her when that happens. Makes me sad. But I would try to visit her.