Do you spend a lot of time with other people?

Or are you mostly alone?

Yes. You can have people around you and even spend time with them (all the time) and still feel utterly alone… :expressionless:


I am around people 24/7. I have a big family, so always someone around.

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Yes, I don’t like being alone.

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I am alone in my apartment until I get a new roommate. Here at work, I work by myself but people are walking by all day and I greet some of them or make small talk. In my spare time I’ll go out to eat or something and I’m in the middle of people but I’m really alone.


I am mostly around family. I do like a bit of alone time but not much. I have spent periods in my life being very isolated. I decided to change that.


I spend 4 days a week with awesome people.


Alone a lot and when there is people around i talk to them minimally

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I’m always around my family to weekdays i hang out with my mom on the weekends my uncle comes to visit me n we go for a walk

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My mom and dad live in the same house as me. My sister and brother-in-law for a while more until they move out. My other two brothers are overseas working and studying.


I’m a big loner, no friends or gf.


I stay away from other people as much as I possibly can. I spend most of my time alone in my room. At the clubhouse I get as far away from other people as much as I can. I’ve kind of made a life out of being like this. I think I like being alone better than I like being around other people. It’s good that I have some compelled socializing here, because I can get pretty flaky when I’m 100% alone.

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I live with my husband. During daytime I am alone as my husband is at work in his office and then he comes back home after work. I enjoyed both daytime and nighttime which means I am happy either being alone or being companied.


I’m always around people but enjoy my alone time!

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Almost always alone, by circumstances not by choice.


I spend some time most days with other people. I need a certain amount of contact otherwise I start going stir crazy. Having said that, if I don’t get enough time on my own I also start going stir crazy. It is a balancing act.


I spend almost all my time with my fiance. I see other people rarely. My fiance and I seem to basically satisfy each other’s social needs.

I have been mostly alone for many years. I used to have a roommate who I’d stay up with Friday and Saturday nights until dawn watching movies. I had a counselor I saw once a week afterwards. I met a girl in the neighborhood I hung out with for awhile. I went from March until recently totally without physical contact, I mean face to face, and am now seeing my therapist and pdoc in person. And I should start group therapy soon. I missed my appointment with the therapist our second in person visit because I gave up. I’m so unbelievably depressed I don’t know how I’ll make our appointments and with my sleep disorder. I go out for walks to see strangers. And I have phone and texting and YOU GUYS! I don’t like being alone and I don’t think anyone does for extended periods. If you do I’d like to know.

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I have a small group of people I keep in touch with: family, friends, and a social worker. I require people to keep in touch and be real. Otherwise I would be a complete loner.


I got a small group of people I see regularly as well. I don’t know being lonely or in company is something I get used to. Sometimes I am happy just listening to the radio as company.

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