I am having a pretty good night tonight. For the first time in a long time. I am preparing to have more bad days.
Lol. Maybe try to enjoy your good night while you can instead of anticipating bad days.
As for me, I am doing fine.
I’m glad today is a good day. Why will you have lots of upcoming bad days?
I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to be sick. I don’t want to be in so much pain. Even if I try and do something, I’ll get a breakthrough voice telling me I’m bad for trying. I’m so sick of being a waste of life. I had so much potential. It’s like some cruel cosmic joke that I can’t use any of my brains or talent. I just don’t want to do this anymore, and I don’t know what to do.
So that’s how I am tonight.
Doing reasonably well. Catching up on some old anime and such, just watched an Invader Zim movie I didn’t know existed! Tomorrow is going to be super busy, coz Thursday is my operation. Honestly, bad as my leg has been, I’m kinda looking forward to it.
I need to prepare myself for having bad days. I don’t want to get angry when I have bad days, because if I think I’m going to have good days, and then I don’t I will get angry.
My soccer career got ruined because of social phobia. I am almost positive that I would have played for a division 1 school. The coach of a division 1 school asked me if I wanted to play for his team, and I said yes…but I was only like 12 or 13 years old.
I’m sorry @Pandy . It sounds like you are really have a rough night. Just try to get through tonight. Sometimes things are better in the morning.
I hope so. Thanks. I wasn’t going to post about how bad I’m feeling, because I feel like I keep whining about the same thing. But I really backslid today. It’s feeling hopeless, and it’s making me angry. I don’t know if I’ll get better. I can’t live like this. I took my PRN Navane (1st gen) to try and get rid of some of the growly voices.
Thanks for listening…
It’s going. Got a doc appointment tomorrow. The doc will probably reject every suggestion I make about meds
This is a support forum. When you need to post about how you are feeling and it maybe will make you feel a little a bit better, don’t hesitate to. Besides, sometimes someone might have some advice that can help or just a comforting word or two.
I believe you can get through it. Shania Twain lost her voice, due to lime disease…and she got through it, so you can too. I know it is really hard, but you never know you might be able to sing again.
Thanks, @Jake
Your welcome…at least you still have a talent, and you haven’t lost it.
I am tired of highs and lows myself. I’m going to try and do the right things to stay even Steven. I lost hope last night and almost committed suicide. I called my mom and told her. I was afraid she would call the cops so I promised I would not do it that night and call her in the morning. I’m not going to let that happen again, I thought I’d the right to die because of all I’ve been through.
Big squeezy hugs from Jimmy and I.
@Jake I’m doing good. Today I watched a movie, and I got a new bluray and some shorts.
Big squeezy hugs back.
Glad you’re ok and didn’t.
@Pandy you are certainly NOT a waste of life. Your illness wants you to think all those bad thoughts, because that’s it’s nature, but the things it tells you are not true. You are a valid, intelligent, talented person who has been stricken with this illness, but the illness is not your identity. Hang on as best you can, have a PRN if you have one, and hopefully things will feel better in time.