I don’t fear it no more
I don’t fear it no more
anyone online…?
My loved ones keep getting sick and dying. I hate stupid Covid and yes I also am afraid.
Yes bcz I am not able to see my psychiatrist, apts are still on the phone.
I like less socializing and activity bc my husband is normally active those ways so I have to be and he takes covid seriously so we don’t do as much
It was disruptive having to stay at home mostly when my psychiatric care provider closed their activities center. I used to go there about every weekday. Also my church closed. But I’m now used to staying at home.
I think that I generally try to not cross a line between bravery and stupidity. You don’t have to fear buses that much to not leap out in front of them for no good reason.
Covid is the worst.
I’m so scared to leave my house and go to work.
I feel so out of touch with friends.
I’m struggling to find/get therapy
My mom’s aunt got it and recovered but it compromised her immune system and she DIED
My father and i keep arguing about cause he thinks its just the flu
I wish it would just go away I’m so stressed
Yeah I was just starting to get social again, and then they shut everything lol, it’ll be fine
I am afraid of catching covid19 again.
I wear my mask everywhere.
absolutely not. Everything’s normal.
i just wear my mask in public stores etc. Its respectful and the right thing to do. Plus now I have a lesser chance of catching a cold or a flu.
The cases in my area are low so sometimes its hard to see that its serious. but It really is a serious issue and needs to be treated that way.
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