Anyone else not feeling the quarantine?

Like as a schizophrenic - am sure I speak for everyone here - we spend almost all our time at home… So this quarantine hasn’t even changed anything, it’s just a normal day of a schizophrenic.

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It didn’t change anything for me. I never go out of my house except for seeing my psychiatrist anyways.

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Same here. It hasn’t changed anything really. I’m not overly concerned about the Coronavirus either.

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Yeah most days I do the same but missing playing cricket on the weekends. I had a holiday from volunteering but ready to go back but hasn’t really been any work on. So. Business as usual but we’ve already missed some family activities. I do miss that not seeing the rest of the mob. It’s different for sure even with it’s sameness.

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I miss my parents and siblings. And most of all my daughter. I am so worried about her.


I’m going out of my mind.

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I don’t mind the quarantine likewise. I am feeling fear. The Virus is too close to home. I’ve been working out some last things or do it now if never things.

The hardest part about not put your hands on your face. Is that buggers are hardest to ignore. Get me out they seem to say.

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I am defo feeling it. My whole family is at home the whole time. Very weird. And I am used to going out to town for bus rides.

My mum disinfects everything I buy.

I am glad that I am able to stay sane during this time. Being in my room so much is usually insanity trigerring. But I’m doing OK so far.

Obviously I miss going out though.

It’s quite a perfect timing cos I’m losing weight atm so wen I go out later I’ll feel better at a healthy bmi.

This whole quarantine thing just feels so surreal thou. People walking about everywhere that usually work lol. Like loads of people now in my situation. In a way

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