How far are we from cure ...!

i mean to say effective treatment …!!! do u guys have any ideas…!!


@far_cry0 I love you!
I hope that cures will emerge soon!
I am sick of life already!

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if you are willing to let me i may be able to perform a brain rewiring surgery

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it well never happen in are life time, they well end up fighting over wether or not to cure it…

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I am waiting for a [quote=“far_cry0, post:1, topic:75346”]
effective treatment

too, i dont know when but i guess soon…

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You are in your 30s right? Probably not in your lifetime. Especially considering we don’t live as long as normal healthy people

Better treatments will certainly come out in the next 20 yrs. but your optimism/excitement is unwarranted.

We will experience more disappointments like evp-6124 and iti-007. This will be the rule rather than the exception.

On a more positive note I’m looking forward to rapastinel, that one just came to mind.

Are you always just out of your mind with excitement? I feel like you are always so full and positive based on the way you type.

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Edu my man i am trying everything …!!!life iz so difficult u guys motivate me…!!!

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Your positivity inspires me, keep doing you! If I had severe negative and cognitive symptoms I would fail to post on this forum. But you are here everyday. Are you sure you can’t work, if you can answer and post questions that shows that you have motivation…

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They can’t cure a developmental disorder. Schizophrenia is like autism it takes over the whole person. What they will cure is the positive symptoms I believe. M. They cause the majority of the suffering

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then how about MIn_101 …!!!

Let’s hope so but still not a cure

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@MeghillaGorilla1 you are wrong!!!
For you maybe the positive symptoms are worse, for me its the cognitive ones,
for others negative.
Look beyond your own ass gorilla!!


There are a lot of cognitive med are coming including med for negative symptoms like min 101 and SEP 856…!!

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Schizophrenia is really a mixed bag, some people are on and off. Others are constantly psychotic. Some were bad since childhood and others fell ill as late as their 30s and 40s. So when you say “schizophrenia” you are talking about a very heterogenous disease. If doctors can begin to understand the causes and mechanisms of the disease as well as it’s different forms then, I think, we will have liftoff. So little is understood about this disease, on antipsychotic websites they still say “the mechanism by which this med functions is not fully understood”. Imagine that, we are still throwing crude simple chemicals at a complicated multifaceted pathology without understand how they work! In summary, no one understands the disease and no one understands the medicine. We are blind to everything that could save us.

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eduvigis your comment is awesome!
On the spot!
Almost nothing is known about schizophrenia!
The best thing that can happen for us is for companies and governments and scientists to work out
the mechanisms of the disorder, and then in can give rise to effective treatments.
But what are you talking about @eduvigis we (humanity) haven’t figured out even how the brain works!
Not enough is known about how the brain SHOULD work, let alone how to FIX it!

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they could probably grow a brain in a petri dish soon but whether that is ethical or not i dont know

Everything that leads to better treatments is ethical @daydreamer!

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I think we are far away from a cure, but we’re close to better treatments.

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i think i got lucky with my med, its not perfect but its about as near to a cure as i can get,

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They already have grown “mini brains” in petri dishes. This is important because when scientists are trying to cure cancer, they can grow cancer cells in a petri dish and work with those cells, but previously they haven’t been able to do that with living brain tissue with firing neurons for obvious reasons. So we use mice. That’s often not terribly effective, because mice aren’t people.

So sooner rather than later they are going to be able to test new drugs in a lab on human cells with neurons that actually fire. That’s major because besides speeding up discoveries, they will be able to target specific pathologies, even have individualized medicine. And if they don’t do it with living brain tissue, then it’ll be computer modeling. Maybe both.

Either way, we will soon, very soon, go from near random, lucky breaks that take decades to get to because we don’t understand how a particular molecule changes the overall balance of a brain with an illness, to individualized medicine. Trials that used to take decades because they had no idea how a drug would change the overall chemical balance of the brains of a bunch of human volunteers who probably all had slightly different problems will take a couple of years and have more successes.

The blindfolds are about to come off, and when they do, progress is going to be much more rapid.

As far as a true cure, that’s probably further out. Actually regenerating brain tissue and such. But that may be closer than we think too.

If you are feeling pessimistic, google medical breakthroughs 2017, future medical breakthroughs, etc. Not sz specific, but it’s amazing what we can do already, and the pace of discovery does not stay the same, it keeps speeding up because we add more and more knowledge.