How does this site help you?

Through talking and writing I realize more and think better through reflection. Writing is easier than talking and I used to write. I like writing things finally. No one out there in the world has the same issues I have and here people do. And I also gain strategies and ideas to fight. And it’s easier to communicate here. And I don’t talk to our friends about this stuff and my professional team is clinical but they are nice
How does this site help you?


I have been thinking of quitting recently, I am not sure if I will stick around until I come off meds like I said I would. I dont really have sz problems anymore, or likely ever again so there is not much use in sticking around. I suppose I could help people with my experiences of overcoming sz and sometimes I just stick around for the chat lol. But no, I dont really get much help from being here anymore.

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I have friends in the US…YES!!! thats how…

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It would be good if you could stay and help people by sharing your success strategies etc I been getting some things to try here.


I get distracted from being alone in my home etc

Now n then I learn something new

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I first found this place when I had no hope. Seeing others who had recovered and were living happy lives really made me dare to have dreams again.


When I’m not well, i come here for advice.
I practice my English, that’s good.
I write whatever comes in my mind and I vent


It helped me find a great community of people who can help me organize my thinking and learn more about my illness and ways to cope with symptoms. Seeing others who are living happy lives despite this condition gave me hope and helped me find a group of people to have good conversations with.

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The community is great and supportive. It´s hard to find these things in the internet.

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There are people I care about here and who care about me. I come here so I don’t feel alone and so I feel understood. I learn about my symptoms and the course of the disease and recovery. I find tips on tools and coping strategies for my symptoms. I get great advice about medication and medical professionals. We have fun at times and blow off a little steam. And I just get support in general for my emotions which are overwhelming to me at times.

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It gives me good advice and people relating to your problem.

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It’s nice to get on and visit with some people some.

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I was able to compare my symptoms with other people’s stories for the first time ever and figured out what’s real and what I made up in my very convincing creative talented mind.


It gives me a place to get advice and benefit from the point of view of others that have had similar experiences to my own.


It’s soooo nice to be around people who have had similar experiences.

Thinking ur the only one is scary


I used to be on PlayStation forums but I relapsed and now I’m on here lol. I guess it’s something to do.

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Yah, I get tired of being with normal people all the time. Now I can relate my dark parts to others. I can focus on reality more and to see what to do about it we are going off a bit lol Its like I’m whole here with peoples like myself.

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When I first came here I was really paranoid and would delete everything I posted. Then I posted something and left it for a while and I couldn’t delete it. I thought it was the government and they had found me but I then figured out you can only edit posts for a short period of time. Now I post often. I still delete photos after posting them and I am sure the government knows I am here and monitors me but I don’t care.

Long story short I have gotten better over the years.

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Nice to know. I often worry about those same kind of things too,… the people who follow me seeing and using things I say against me. I just gave up threw my hands in the air and said wtf, I give up, I’m posting. They hack my phone so I’m always incognito. This site is a good place to be :+1:

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This site made me see I have schizophrenia.

I thought all my delusions and voices were real so I didn’t believe I had schizophrenia till I saw others with similar symptoms.

It took over twenty years for me to be able to say I have schizophrenia.

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