How does a sz man flirt?

I’m always afraid of saying the wrong thing. Movies and tv make talking to the opposite sex such an easy, natural thing. For me, I’d rather say nothing than risk ruminating the rest of life about what was said. It is likely a confidence problem. Maybe be aggressive and let the chips fall where they may? But an aggressive sz is not a good look.
How does a sz man flirt effectively?


This is my policy also

If I’d had any success in this area, I would’ve been a bit more constructive in my reply!

Same as everyone else. You listen to cues and respond. Most people love to talk about themselves and their interests so just being you and being interested really does work. Be attentive, kind and listen to what people are genuinely saying.


@Joker: how many women do you meet a year? I probably meet 5-10. Of these, I’ll date 1.


Good tip to be a good human being.


You whistle across the street and the girl looks at you and you go “Not you, the one behind you!” she looks behind and theres no one there… :crazy_face:


Honestly just be yourself. I dont know how to flirt , Im just oblivious when it comes to that stuff.

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I don’t swing that way. But my average is zero. I live a very isolated existence, and this is not helped by Schizophrenia, GAD or Autism.

Not only am I hopelessly out of practise, but my ‘conditions’ seem to compound with this and make things way worse.

Also I have some serious trust issues with other people.

It kinda sucks because I feel like I am missing out, but my cousin and aunts and stuff invite me to the occasional concert etc as we all like rock music.

The only proper outing I had this year was seeing Slipknot in concert, and that was in January.

I missed out on seeing Formula 1 Qualifying with my other cousin this year because of Covid. I was looking forward to that, as I have never seen a proper racing event before and it was only £99 per ticket


Oh my bad, I wasn’t aware. I’m glad you have family to keep you company. I do, too, with my parents. And you aren’t missing much in terms of flirting/ dating, it’s tough with mental health challenges. Going on 0-1 date a year is all I can muster.

It’s ok! No worries.

Thanks, I am glad you have your parents also.

To be honest, I am going to pass on even trying to date and see if I can make some friends first.

The problem is who wants to be friends with someone who has none to start with?

Chicken and egg situation


I’m guilty of being a bad friend due to my drug use. But I had one or two who stuck by me and really that’s all I need.

What’s formula one? Is that like nascar?

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Drugs was my problem as a teen. I had a court ordered community rehab order for 12 months, and part of that programme meant I had to disassociate with all my old friends.

I did make some new ones a few years later, but they all left me when I went down with psychosis again.

Formula 1 is definitely something you should look up if you’re into motor racing.


my last first date , I did a drawing date. we just met at a coffee shop and drawed cool art stuff. I liked drawing emojis at the time so i had a cool idea to draw 2 emojis sitting on a park bench, one evil one and one happy one. I was the evil purple one :smiling_imp: :blush:
I like dates like that cuz I dont have to talk much we just do a fun activity.


Be yourself. If that doesn’t work try being someone else. Now seriously, keep it fun and games at first, especially if you’re not clear about how far you want things to go. I know it sounds cynical, but most heterosexual women, despite their protests to the contrary, have no time for puppy-eyed insecure men. Love can be a cruel business.



Don’t be like this

I use telepathy and mind reading and inserted thoughts. That’s in short my schizophrenic way to approach women. Lol


If a woman smiles at you smile back. Otherwise I don’t have a clue other than glancing back and forth which they can confuse you for looking at someone else.

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:crazy_face: :sweat_smile:


Same way as a normie. Appear friendly.

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I think it’s about forgetting the label you carry whatever diagnosis one has. Sure you have to tell about it at some point, but wheter or not it’s a issue is for the other person to decide. It’s a move made on the other side of the tennis court, so no use in stressing about it.

I recommend being yourself if you want a serious relationship. Stay confident and forget about things that is for the other person to decide. If you just want to meet someone for the short haul you could always do a act. I remember many years ago I played a character that was superconfident and a roomstealer at a party. So a girl wanted to come home with me. Technically it wasn’t a one night stand, because I did know her a little from before, but I’m 100% certain if I hadn’t played the part of superconfident she wouldn’t have picked up on me.

I won’t be doing it again though. I can play a part for a night, but not for the rest of my life. I want someone to take me for who I am.