Hi, normally I feel depressed and anxious but of late my voices have made me feel helpless too. It’s making me feel low… I’ve been feeling subject to schizophrenia and lonely due to paranoia… feels like not even family care. There are few people in my life and my suspicion says that even those who are in my life don’t wish me well…
I feel insulated.
I doubt anyone in your life would wish anything negative on you. Indifference to your suffering though I can understand that. No one in real life wants to discuss what happens in the mind. They can’t help you either they could only offer you special treatment which is unfair to them.
Anyways. I feel ok these days. Still getting better. Still hallucinating but I’m getting a better grasp on the fact that’s it’s all in my head and not really happening.
If it was real then ■■■■ everybody… They wouldn’t let up for a minute.
i tell my clinical psychologist i feel ’ normal ‘, she knows that…’ normal ’ to me is a little bit of everything…psychosis, ocd, ptsd, and of course sz served on a golden plate with a side serving of lettuce ( got to be healthy ! )
take care people of earth
im usually neither happy or sad…just in that alright state. theyll be times when i go down the sad route but then theres more occasions im ‘happy’ i guess. my scz tendencies usually come when im going down the sad direction
I feel helpless when I realize that I can’t/don’t use my mind very well. Giving people an automatic “no” when, with a little thought, it could be a “yes”. Then I stay withdrawn and try not to feel left out. Actually, I’m quite calloused to feeling left out by now.
I’m frequently agitated. The Haldol PRN helps a lot, but I seem to be perpetually annoyed/agitated.
Comfortably numb mostly but doesn’t take much to shift me around.
Like I’m still waiting for it to be my turn to get something (anything) I have wanted/needed/liked.
Sigh…Waiting…still waiting…I give up.
@Csummers try something new
@Csummers Please don’t give up. Is there something you’ve always wanted to try or learn that you’ve put off? Either due to money or not sure where to start?
I don’t want anything. Nothing new. Nothing else.
Are you taking any meds to help you?
Lost my insurance Feb 2013 from divorce.
Don’t qualify for any help from covered california because technically I qualify for medicare. Medicare says I have to pay a huge penalty every month because I had declined “part B” when offered 17 years ago. I already had a plan then and it was better than they offered, and we paid it ourselves.
I have fallen through the cracks in obamacare, and quite frankly, I don’t care to ever go back to any Dr.
That really does suck I hope you can cope fine without them it must be hard…
I do miss my meds.
Never thought I’d actually say that…
Most of the time I feel depressed, obsessive (I also have OCD), anxious, helpless (because as chordy said I can’t control my mind), and lonely.
I’m flat. No emotions. Not happy nor sad. Get anxious sometimes. But mostly I just am. Nothing more.
I feel lonely 15 characters
Today, I feel weird. I guess that I am hungry and need to eat; but can’t get motivated. Even though, I stopped taking the Seroquel, I still believe that I am having the side effects- at least I did last night and yesterday. The doctor would probably disagree with me. Yesterday, I had a headache, upset stomach, tired, yet couldn’t sleep. The “psychotic” stuff seems to be gone- for awhile at least; but, I know that I need some new medication for this; because, they do have a tendency to return. I stopped taking my lithium and antivan, also. I have been telling them for a few months that I don’t think the lithium is doing me any good any more; but, they seem not to listen. One problem I have is that when I lie down to sleep at night; I am tired; but then can’t sleep. Another problem with the Seroquel was that it made me so hot; even though it was cold; I sweated out my hair. I see the psychiatrist in a walk-in clinic on Tuesday afternoon. It’s supposed to start at 1pm; but, I am going to be there around noon! I will just sit and wait; which will drive my restless mind, body, and spirit to oblivion!