How do you try to cope with social anxiety

How do you try to cope with it.

And why do you think you have social anxiety?

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I don’t really don’t think I have any, I don’t think.
I’m a chatterbox, even talk to people in an elevator.

my main problem is panic attacks. but I’m heavily medicated.

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I’ve never had a panic attack but they sound well scary.

yeah, been in the ER 3 times, thought I was gonna die.
and I’ve had to quit jobs before too.

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Ignore it and fake it. Probably not the best plan.


Pregabalin got me past this hurdle.


I try to take a deep breath, but it doesn’t really help me. Maybe the best option would be Cognitive Behavioral Therapy if you don’t have bad cognition, because the therapy didn’t work on me either because of my poverty of thinking


that’s why a med for that could help you better, but speak to your doctor about this


I just don’t talk to people. Mostly I go to the Co-op two blocks away from my house and sometimes I say good morning to the staff because they say it to me and I’ll talk to a cashier a little bit. My main problem now is having to get a ride four days a week from staff at my mental health place for three groups and one day a week to go to the university to walk the track and trying to think of things to talk about. I can never think of anything to talk about because all I do is watch TV.


I use toys I call squirmy and squishy to play with

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I’ve had social anxiety since I was a teenager and I’ve tried so many things to cope but I think I might actually be getting worse at coping. I was even on Nardil and Klonopin about 10 years ago which made me feel like I was drunk all the time. Mostly I avoid talking to people.


I used to have terrible panic attacks. I always read, it could be caused by glucose instability. The last time I had a panic attack was in 2018. I started using chromax, a chromium supplement. I think it’s the best thing I ever used for a panic attack.

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Practice. I guess exposure to social situations on regular basis can make you less anxious about it.

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I had bad social anxiety when I was a kid, but it kind of went away when I developed sz. I don’t have social anxiety anymore.

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I always handled it by avoiding social situations. Now my solitary life isn’t so bad for me, but I had some rough times getting here. Don’t think of yourself as unique. Everybody experiences some kind of anxiety in one way or another. It is worse for schizophrenics. Try to develop a few close friends, and find enjoyable ways to socialize with them. Don’t be jealous of other people’s seemingly perfect lifestyles. In AA they call that “judging your insides by other people’s outsides”. There is a poem titled “Richard Cory” you ought to read. It might help.


I recommend the book, “The Solution to Social Anxiety,” by Aziz Gazipura. I read it twice and it helped me.


i had a major panic attack that caused me to leave my career on the job and I was frightened for about two years of leaving my house…I learned through therapy to “unplug the fear” of having a panic attack and then once I did that I was anxiety free…it isn’t easy…but if you practice focus, like on a pebble in your hand, and practice slow breathing until the fear goes away…you beat it !

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4 years therapy but mostly now I do not care what people think of me and just be myself.


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