How do you tell the difference?

No problem @Reggie, try to relax too. :slight_smile:

Tag team…back again…love that jam!! Now im going to be singing it to myself all day.

I just wanted to give you an update, just got done tdoc session and spent alot of time on voices and methods of coping. He is in agreement with us that personification of the voices can be a good thing if it helps us to cope, as long as we dont get delusional about what they truly are. Which what they truly are i feel can also be debated but we will save that one for another day! Lol

But i figured you would like to know that our method has been backed by a professional and we are not using unhealthy tactics and us doing it as we have does not mean we are loosing grip on reality and personal methods are fine to use if they help us cope. My labeling of different mood states as different personas within myself has also been given approval. I feel like a weight has been lifted knowing i dont have to go back to square one on my techniques. <…wiping sweat from brow…>

He also gave me some things to look up," parts theory" and “gestalt therepy”, which i guess these discuss the personification of voices? I will study up and let you know how they relate, it will give me something else to analyze over for the rest of the day!! A practice Which i have also been cleared to continue as long as i dont go overboard and take breaks. He was extatic and impressed over my progress today, which really makes me feel like i am getting somewhere finally!

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Never been able to except for during meditation. Apparently me and the tdoc need to have a discussion about all my tendencies leaning towards a slight to severe obsessive disorder, but i already figured that.

I have heard of that and use it with my kids. It is basically letting the imagination fly to where they can develop their own worlds as a coping technique. Like an empty box can become a house or a sled - whatever. Or like making miniature worlds out of things - Grisom does it in his show CSI. I didn’t think about it being used in psychotherapy but can see how it would be useful.

Haven’t heard about the other one - I will research it as well.

Glad to know your pdoc is onboard. I think if when I get to really start seeing my new one, she will be similar as she has already told me how I see things are okay with her.

This describes what I experience more. the voices I hear change frequently and to me are often people I have met or passed in real life. Interesting that you bring up the new guys. I never noticed that. Mine mostly say the same several phrases over and over so it’s easy for me to tell it’s them. But it would make sense that it’s the new ones causing trouble. They are always trying to “help” me and “fix” my life. Once they get to know me we’re either cool or whatever. When I’m stressed the haters come in and say the same fifteen or so things but with sinister intent and different implied meanings. They can communicate surprisingly effectively with just these simple tools though. Also they can pick individual words out of anything really to communicate, usually in cooperation or feigned cooperation with the intrusive thoughts. They used to target me more.