How do you stop a manic episode

Pretty sure I’m in the beginnings of a manic episode. Got 6 1/2 hours of sleep over the past 48 hours. Lack of sleep sometimes triggers a manic episode and sometimes lack of sleep is a sign that it’s the start of the manic episode.I’m not quite sure which one is happening now.

How do you get out of a manic episode without just riding it out? I’ve yet to figure out how. My thoughts are rapid and disorganized. I feel compelled to walk across the street without looking for traffic, and I’ve been struggling to not spend money. Pretty sure mania is right around the corner if not here already.

I take lithium, shouldn’t that have blocked a manic episode? Or are they inevitable sometimes?

Please mods don’t move this post to the insomnia thread this is about mania)


so sorry you’re feeling this way…I d k about lithium…I’ve never been manic…so you’re sz affective?

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I’ve found sometimes if I’m not sleeping and it’s starting to trigger a manic episode that a high dose of a first-gen antipsychotic like Haldol can help by making me sleep. I take 15 mg of Haldol when this occurs. I hope you can find some relief…

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You gotta do the opposite of what you want to do so really slow down

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Yes I am schizoaffective bipolar type @jukebox

@WhiteRaven My doctor told me to up my dose of Loxapine which is a first gen AP like Haldol. I’ve been trying to taper off of it because it caused my TD. So I’m down to 15mg. My doctor said to take 50mg for the next five days.

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You need a mood stabilizer. I had an episode this morning but took some haldol.

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Cliche and simple but exercise.

The more of that, the better you adapt to stress and the less manic I get cause my energy is better regulating

I’d get manic when I first started Caplyta. More months I get into it the less manic episodes I am having. Aka higher activity days don’t cause me to lose sleep at all.

Also avoiding caffeine more helps


Stop all forms off caffeine

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I’m on 1200mg of lithium already. Normally it works and I don’t have manic episodes since starting the lithium.

Also I don’t drink any caffeine as it is.

I’m super sick because I haven’t been able to eat so exercise seems a little out of the question.


Sick how, @Hanna_Foxx ? You mean physically sick?

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Yes @SkinnyMe I’ve been severely nauseated and throwing up when I eat. It gets better then it comes right back

I had this for a while back in 2013. I was also super manic back then. Like, I spent my entire paycheck on headbands. My doc found that along with my mental health stuff, I had a GI condition. He prescribed a med that helped that. Having nutrients in my body helped me sleep. Sleep helped the mania. No one thing fixed it, but I’ve found that it’s usually best to start with meeting the physical survival needs before jumping to the more abstract mental health ones.


Thank you @Ninjastar I appreciate the advice. I am trying to eat more substantially today to help not being so light headed. But I’ve not successfully kept anything down.

I just raise my Risperdal dose by one milligram when I’m manic

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Take yer meds !

Best cure for a manic episode.


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I have been taking my meds

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Has your doc looked into possible causes for your nausea? I know you have struggled with disordered eating, and that can cause some long term GI stuff that can be treated. I also know some people don’t seek treatment because they blame themselves.

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I appreciate you asking @Ninjastar I have yet to see my primary care regarding the nausea, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I have a stomach ulcer or something of the like

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Hugs. I hope your doc can find something that lets you eat and absorb nutrients. There are some things that can be fixed by willpower alone.

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Zinc citrate solved my mania in the long run. I take 50mg per day