Are you able to concentrate and get immersed in it? I feel like I’m losing grasp on how to enjoy it. I’ve listened to countless artists from the huge output of music this year. And for me, it makes me move but there’s something missing, I can’t feel the music. Is this the same for everyone with schz? or is this the work of anhedonia
Music was big for me during my psychosis.
I don’t really listen to it now, just the occasional song that catches my ear.
I listen to music all day at work
Have my headphones on much of the time if I am not in meetings
Just get lost in it
Really helps me keep calm and mind focused
I admit I’m kind of trying to listen to a lot of music to get back my previous enjoyment of it but it doesn’t seem to be working. I just wonder why that is and if its temporary or permanent.
I put music and don’t care about how I listen
yeah getting lost in the world of a song is what I used to do but I can’t do it anymore. Makes me think it might be an anhedonia thing or an ADHD thing as I can’t focus or get immersed in something. This applies to films and reading too
Hopefully it’s temporary.
I like to listen to music when I’m walking anywhere, but i only listen to it at home when the voices are bad. I like over-the-ear headphones cuz i always worry about losing expensive ear buds.
I bloody well hope so, I’m going Glastonbury lmao
I went a long time unable to watch films. But chipped away at it and can do it now
Started watching them in 20 min blocks and can now do a whole film
Have not read for over 10 years now
I enjoy music, listen to it most of the day, not to mention going to concerts.
@WhiteRaven i also prefer over the ear headphones over ear buds. I just think it’s a better sound.
Overear headphones are my preference
Whats stopping you from reading again? If you don’t mind me asking
I struggle to follow the text on the page and am very slow
Same here. I managed to read two books this year. But I think some people struggle with reading even those without schz. For me I like having read than reading itself. But I also like writing styles and choice of words when describing a scenario. So maybe that might help with motivation to read again.
Studio headphones through an audio interface.
Ive always wanted to have an audio setup at home. Maybe in the future, I want to get a record player connected to an inferface and speakers
That’s not true.
You’re reading this !
I mean books
Keep informed online
But there’s something about reading a work cover to cover that I feel I miss out on
Luckily TV can replace this somewhat
I actually taught myself to read at one year of age, (true story), so, I was always an avid reader. In school, I scored in the top 1% in the nation for reading and reading comprehension.
Somewhere along this sza journey, my reading comprehension skills became poor, but nevertheless, I continue to greatly enjoy reading all manner of literature both print and digital.
When young, I adored movies, television and pop music. Now, I tend to avoid screen entertainment due to delusion related intolerance. Luckily, I can still enjoy music although my taste now runs towards classical music.