I think when i had my first break in 2015 i began being irratible, not sleeping, paranoid, poor diet and quite emotional.
How about you? What are your warning signs?
I think when i had my first break in 2015 i began being irratible, not sleeping, paranoid, poor diet and quite emotional.
How about you? What are your warning signs?
First break, I didn’t know I was psychotic. I thought everyone else was ill . No insight
Laughing a lot… Sleeping less… Abusive… Linking reality with fantasy. when i think of it in hindsight. Cannot self dx it as psychosis , we lose our real self
I didnt know what psychosis until i looked on the net. I had no insight at all. I didnt even tell the docs cause i thought it was normal what was going on for me.
I think i become very talkative when i am psychotic.
Yeah that too happens… wont listen to others another one…
Same for me same for me.
I basically have no memory except like little flashes. Like flash cards. Mostly what I know is what I’ve heard or pieced together.
Idk. I’ve had a lot of false alarms. Maybe I never truly recovered from it.
Same here. I’ll get past the tipping point and the delusions become real to me. When everyone around you is telling you that your behavior is psychotic, trust me, it’s psychotic.
I feel like the police are getting them to say these things and make me believe I’m crazy or something.
I know when I start hearing voices, I get paranoid and I get no sleep.
When I become totally psychotic I don’t know I’m I’ll.
I have zero insight.
You are showing signs of insight which is positive @princess.
Just listen to your doctors and take the meds.
You are in a safe place now.
How do I show insight? Just wondering?
You are questioning whether you are psychotic or not.
Only because others are saying so but I don’t think I am. I think people are ignorant to what has and had been doing to me
You are at least “showing” considering their opinion to be true wether or not that is really what you are thinking.
Learn to monitor your own behavior. I am extremely self aware and I do t need anyone telling me my mental state when I definetly am more aware of it and my actions.
I think @princess has some insight, but, not much.
I feel the same. I think many people here do too.