Anonymous poll ¿Can you intuit when you are starting a psychotic outbreak?

  • Yes
  • No
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I mean, can you realize or feel that you are becoming mentally unstable and starting a psychotic outbreak?

I know this sounds weird, but i actually notice i SMELL differently at the onset of psychotic symptoms. Like my body odor actually changes.

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I know when I’m going South…obsession of thought…the Radio specifically for me.


I stop eating and sleeping. Don’t feel tired or hungry. Then I just go like I’m on rocket fuel until I snap.


I bounce my delusions off my wife when I think I’m having a residual paranoia…my normie wife did wonders for me about five years ago by talking me out of believing there was a spirit portal that followed me around from house to house that I lived in.

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@WhiteRaven @Patrick @Speedy @jukebox

I remember that once I started to feel bad, and I started to get suggestible with the shadows in my room. It was nighttime. I took 4 mg of rivotril (anxiolytic) and the outbreak went away. But it was the beginning of the outbreak. I was not 100% psychotic. I told my psychiatrist and he acknowledged that anxiolytics can attenuate and make psychotic outbreaks disappear.
That is why I did this survey.

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I didn’t know that about anxiolytics. That’s probably why they give the Ativan in the agitation sets they gave me in the hospital. That’s interesting!

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Actually, yes. I have learned that I am moving to full psychosis with blown insight when I think I’m not psychotic at all. Not kidding. Feeling too good is a red flag.


No, I don’t know when I’m becoming psychotic. My insight is the first thing to go…

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My insight gets hijacked by unusual beliefs or fervent religiousness. Luckily this only happens if I don’t take my meds, hence I take my meds.

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I don’t know. Maybe. I notice if I’m less social or my sleep schedule gets inverted, or if I stay up a day or two, I might be getting more symptoms. I have family that helps me if I get sick. They give me a heads up.

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If I’m stressed my negatives get worse. Disinterest in the world is the first symptom for me, then mild paranoia probably.

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