How do you deal with tactile hallucinations?

Hello friends,

I am actively battling my hallucinations right now, and I’m having a multitude of tactile hallucinations that feel like spiders crawling on my body. The voices/visions have declined a little, but the tactile hallucinations are taking over me. At this point, my body feels absolutely numb and out of touch from reality. My fingers (as I type this) feels quite unreal and numb as well.

How do you deal with tactile hallucinations and how do you cope with these experiences?

I’m really struggling right now- I haven’t had this for years. It’s really, really hard for me.

I’m sorry guys for everything, and thank you for your support.


I feel bad for you. I know you are struggling. Just hang in there. You are an awesome person.

Maybe try touching something that gives you a sense of control with what you feel? Maybe stroke a soft blanket and focus on the input of that instead of the hallucinations? I hope you can find some relief. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.

Or maybe wrap up tightly in a blanket for “safety” from unwanted tactile hallucinations? And focus on the safety feeling and softness of the safety blanket?

I will try that- I’ll keep you updated.
I’m trying really hard to control them but these “spiders” would just crawl on my entire body, including my face.
Hopefully they’ll go away…I haven’t slept at all today.

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I will be okay. Thank you for being so caring towards me. I’m struggling immensely but I’m hoping that the hallucinations will be reduced somehow…

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Good luck @anon10648258!

Thank you a ton! :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Maybe this was already asked, but have you talked to your dr about all these symptoms recently. Do you think updating your meds would help?

Hope you are feeling better! I totally understand what you were going thru. I get tactile hallucinations a lot. Usually when I haven’t anything to really concentrate on and my mind is ripping around all wild and it’s like things moving under or across the skin, or I will feel something grab my leg or bump me. Mostly at night when I am trying to go to sleep is when I get grabbed.

What I do to help alleviate the tension it can bring about is what was already mentioned above, I drive deeper into my microfiber blankets and make sure it touches my skin firmly(sleeping nude can help continuity of the blankets’ pressure). Wrapped up tight, it stimulates the nerves in the skin towards feeling pressed on instead of the rippling effect of the phantom spiders or hands or whatever you want to call them. Oh, I tuck my head in also, because when something grabs you in the dark in your hammock it’s scary stuff!

Hope it helps, hope it’s ended for now for you.

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I know this is several hours old, but maybe still helpful.

I get tactiles pretty frequently and the thing the helps me most is taking a really hot bath. Not so hot I’ll burn myself, but hot enough it’s uncomfortable.

Also brushing my skin with a hairbrush.


I always get this when im tired/due for meds so taking them and sleeping helps me. Using massage bars or lotion helps ground myself when i get phantom bugs on me

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Thank you everyone!
I’m still having them, but not as before.
I’ll use the techniques that you guys have provided me! I’m having the hallucinations right now, but I’ll fight against them.

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