I forget stuff all the time, or if my train of thought is a long one, I’ll eventually forget why I"m thinking about something, and then my idea is ruined. Which is annoying.
Are there any tricks, or maybe drugs like vitamin c or something that help with memory loss? I don’t get why god would create schizophrenia…he dungoofed.
The thing that works for me the most is writing it down. I used fish oil in the past to help with my memory and concentration. I also put alarms to remind me of stuff I’m supposed to know about.
I can’t really recommend anything, even though, for most of my life, I’ve had a stellar long term memory. I have at least somewhat vague memories going back as far as when I was about 2 or 3 years old.
I played drum set. I’ve played in jazz bands and big band and R&B/funk and and a folk band. I fake my way all the time through the songs as a never can remember songs fully with my short or long term memory for some reason. I can listen toA song over and over for days and still couldn’t play it on my own with just my short term or long term memory I don’t know what you really use when you play a song. I feel so incompetent with music.
i suffer from working memory impairment and attention deficit .the antipsychotic lurasidone have Procognitive effect and helped me alot but recently i noticed a decline in working memory so i tried atomoxetine at low dose 10 mg daily, i had moderate improvement in memory . also you can try Alzheimer’s drugs like donepezil it may help as well.