I don’t think it’s lucky to be famous. The social pressures are ridiculously demanding.
I’m an unmedicated sz but I’ve been like this my whole life. I think that’s the only reason I manage it so well.
It’s not perfect and when I get really stressed it gets bad. But overall I am able to function
It is possible to reject delusions. It’s also possible to reverse a paranoid thought or to self analyse where thoughts tread towards lunacy. But I think it’s mostly luck.
At least I feel it so.
Why do you need obscure figures from the past?
I am here now, and I have beaten schizophrenia despite that my schizophrenia is very severe.
I came across an article citing Elyn Saks. She has found many successful schizophrenics through her research. There are lawyers, doctors, etc. Looking at this forum, I can tell you there are many successful schizophrenics out there. However, no one reveals themselves other than John Nash, Elyn Saks, me and a few others. Believing schizophrenics cannot recover from schizophrenia serves no purpose. Believe that you can defeat it and serve as an inspiration to others, does.
I read that he learned how to avoid psychiatric attention, for example he avoided to talk about topics that he know he would have been hospitalized if he talked about. Also probably he was lucky that he had no severe symptoms.
Was he homicidal? I think being homicidal is the worse part of schizophrenia, worse than suicide. I am homicidal without meds.
I rejected my main delusions. that helped reduce the hallucinations because the mind had less of a narrative to go on. The brain still likes to look for different narratives to take on though. So it doesnt really go away it just loses power if you can logically deduce and reject the delusion. That is of course if you can even realise its a delusion in the first place.
im an outlier as well and you shouldnt really look to my experience.
No he had paranoid delusions and voices.
So they weren’t as intense to act on them. I attacked my brother with a knif thinking he was stealing life energy from me.
He was also able to not talk about them for avoiding hospitalizations and meds.
I was talking about mine to everybody including friends. That’s why I lost a lot of my friends.
I told one of my friends that I am Jesus. He said I was stressed. That was when I was without meds.
My mother was obsessed with her delusions, she talked all day about them, she wasn’t able to even understand what you were telling her.
Yea my mother told me that I wasn’t listening to anybody, just to my broken brain. She said I was talking nonsense to myself alone and I was responding to myself.
I was jesus too. Overated being god lol
I was certainly at my most acutely and floridly ill from18 to about 25 years old then it became gradually less and less florid… I used to regularly smash windows with my fists and cut myself . I was far more impulsive.Far less self aware.
What I heard is that he was actually on medication in the later years. But he didn’t want to advertise it. He was deceptive from what he said and wrote.