Did john nash ever succeed in beating sz

I heard he didn’t take meds…how did he manage…

well he first got diagnosed with SZ and he did not want to take meds. and then he got off of them. and he did a great job. not to give you advise to get off your meds. but some people dont need meds. and meds are not always the answer. like me i hate taking meds. they suck. its all about coping skills and how to handle what you go thru. know what i mean?


He did win a Nobel… I don’t know if he ever beat it, but I’m sure some days were better then others for him.

He also had a wife who loved him very much… and good family support helps a lot.

Depends on what your definition of “beating schizophrenia” is. he went through the worst of it and came out the other side and won that Nobel Prize. In that sense you can say he beat it by accomplishing what few other people accomplish in their lifetime. Was he cured ? No, I don’t think he was, I think he still suffered some symptoms and had some eccentricities. So in that sense, he did not beat it. But he sure made something out of his life.

Soz If e(Y)e Seem A-Hol-ish … ,

But Could You Clarify (???)

Mostly people who don’t take meds end up on the street if that is what you are suggesting I seriously think you should reevaluate.

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John Nash is a legend- the greatest one can be- a Nobel laureate. He set an impossible standard.

He had issues, and his positive symptoms faded significantly as he aged, actually they noticed he was better then gave him his prize he won when he was young…not really funny, it’s involving stigma.

I model myself after him at times- he just was a juggernaut to the positive symptoms for a long long time. Yes, he did repeatedly get in trouble, however skilled he was at managing his madness. He achieved. Managing and achieving are two different things.

I respect the ■■■■ out of him- he just cannot be beat. He was a rational man to his last day, despite what some may say- this is because given his symptoms, the things he experienced and thought, he chose the most reasonable and rational course almost every single time.

I do not blame him for not taking the meds back then- typical AP’s are literally pains in the ass (injections) sometimes and also have ridiculous side effects for some, with Thorazine having something like a 7% rate of tardive dyskinesia.

Geodon came out in the US in 2003. I was born in the 1990’s.

Yes Thus Is Truth … ,

Managing = Turmoil / Anguish / Suffering

Achieving Throo Turmoil / Anguish / Suffering = A “prize” Of Sorts … ,

Achieving With Steady hands Upon = Nothingness Towards Thee End Of Such For Such N Individual … ,

Thus guy Is One To Respect … ,

My Favorite Scene In That Movie Is Tha One With Jennifer and Tha Stars … ,

It’s Jus A Scene In A Movie for Me … ,

For Him A Reality With Her Throwing Glass Into A Mirror In Tha Middle Of Tha Nite … ,

Some Rest … ,


Some Never Can … ,

“achieving & Managing” … ,

So Who Out There Can Do Both (???) ,


OK, how’s this?..

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In Your Own Words Yo Yo …

I think he just learned to stop listening to the voices

I watched a video interview and he said his mathematics ideas came from the same place his voices did.

I can relate to that in a sense I hear musical ideas from where I hear voices. I can feel where it comes from and can visualize it if that makes sense

Why in my own words? You can read the article; it explains it.

I Wasn’t Asking For An Article You Read …

I didn’t know the man personally. Whatever I know about him came from the movie or articles I read. Don’t you think his teaching style was eccentric? I just remember reading that he had some odd habits. I remember reading that when he was at Princeton he acted odd. That’s why I said what I did.

Well You Jus Solved As To Why People Treat Me Lyke Shizz … ,

IM JUS ODD (!!!) ,

Thanks “brah!!!” … .

Sorry couldn’t open it on my phone.

But I do believe he was a cut above the others.

He’s Lyke Thee Onli One … ,

Except For SYD BARRETT … ,

and Tha ShmexXxie Gurl … ,

Who Else Is There (???) ,


and They Aren’t Schizophrenic … ,

So Please Peoples Who Else Is There (???)

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I think it’s important to note that the work he did that won him the Nobel prize was done before he got sick. I don’t think he would have won it or got famous after.

Edit: who knows. He went back to Princeton years later.

He beat the brakes off his schizophrenia.