How common is this among diagnosed?

Yeah, I thought I was something similar to jesus briefly during my first psychosis. I’ve read some other members here mention going through that as well. I guess it’s fairly common.


I wrote some of the story for the screenplay.

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Theres a bunch of us that were jesus will just say that :sweat_smile:

Will the real jesus please stand up :face_with_monocle:


The problem with this is that in philosophy or religions there is no real way to prove or disprove it. You can steel man both sides and still not come to any conclusion other than someones educated opinion/guess/theory.

The other problem is someone who is prone to psychosis has a very flexible mind, and when you deep dive into those topics your mind may conjure something up to make it proof that its real even if its false.

So its a risk lol


I am the real jesus

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During psychosis i was sure i was jesus and did miracles


Jesus was sure that he was me :sweat_smile:



No I wasn’t, but I forgive you

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