How can you ignore voices

how can you ignore voices

Would it necessarily be so terrible if you found out you couldn’t?

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What do your voices say?

they make pills for that.

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When I actively try to ignore my voice/s (there’s usually just one for me now), I find it more distressing. Like, if I tell it to stop or shut-up, it gets louder and says more and meaner, more distructive things. If I acknowledge, though, and calmly distract myself then I give it no real attention and starts to fade.


I don’t know if you’re a big gamer or not, but playing some games usually helps me out. I stick to brain games or kids games though. Those are usually not very triggering. The voices slip through sometimes but I just try to focus my hardest on the task at hand.

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I’ve been plagued by this. I survived 4 months of a constant voice in the back of my head that I could do nothing to distract myself from. I lived this hell in a still vacant apartment above my paretns garage which they say they’d like to put wood flooring into and somehow move the pool table in.

I still suffer from it. Voices. A voice. I try not to let it influence me but I still hear them and can’t at times listen to anything else, like lying in bed at night usuelessly trying to sleep.

I believe in telepathy but don’t believe it was intended that we were supposed to pick up so much junk in the air so easily - random images, noises, voices and such. Even people who are not SZ will be able to relate experiencing these things while they were falling asleep or meditating.

I believe a lot of it has to do with nerves intensifying ‘shared’ connections hence the prescribed pills are like non-addictive valuum’s designed to calm the nerves making the connection less intense.

Once you realize that you’re not under any sort of intentional attack and also realize that you can slow down those experiences simply by beleiving you can and taking the appropriate meds you’ll find that although we may, objectively, be picking up some garbage most of it has to do with our own imaginations dealing with suppressed stress.

Look up Ironic Process Theory.

You believe in telepathy (thank you for you’re courage) and that we’re picking up mostly garbage (Imagine projecting mostly garbage and dealing with THAT the best you can) But you also believe it’s all psychologically suppressed thoughts coming out that bother us. Was going to like you’re post, doesn’t mean I don’t like you’re presence here, but then I had after thoughts as what I project has nothing to do with the nature of my thoughts and is absolutely horrible, and of course others can’t hear, of course, this is an unrational belief in our oh so rational world, of course.

I’ve always identied with Buddhsim as much as I do with any religion, but in my 20’s especially, and the last person to truly reach out tome reached out in what I now realized was a grab to form a desperate person into a disciple of his sect (SGI/Nichiren) But these were the (though old friends un-related to this religion were warmly welcoming at a party now long ago attended) only times anyone had really reached out in response to my desperate facebook posts of my birthday. I guess I’m not that desperate.

I don’t suspect them all to be suppressed intentional thoughts but most to be suppressing really hideous things that we would never want to say or any ‘mind readers’ to hear us thinking.

For example lets say I’m talking in public to a lady with a kid and I get some sort of suspicion she can hear my thoughts…

I get tense and worried and immediately try to clam up so my brain addresses that stress by immediately coughing up thoughts like “I’m going to eat you and your sexy little chicken too, Missy!”

Obviously I don’t personally ‘own’ that sentence but it’s the brains defense system fighting back against a sudden forced suppression.

First don’t let them break your train of thought… if they do make sure to go back and figure out what you were thinking about…

Figuratively you can see yourself as an “immortal train” with airplanes “voices” over head… the voices fly in front of you and you press the brakes and to avoid a collision… but this is a war-zone… you are indestructible… don’t slow down… leave them as wreckage behind you.

Let them guide you. Talk to mister potato. Meditate and listen to nature. Listening to nature was the first way to quite the mind. Then came music, and fluoride etc

I find when I’m busy focusing on something else, the voices go into the background and fade out.
Seems there isn’t enough room in my head for all of us, and they get insulted for not getting my attention, and they leave (for awhile).
Bought one voice a one way bus ticket to the other end of the country, and by the time he found out it was one way, it was too late-ha!
Go Grehound…and leave those driving you nuts.
(Think slogan on TV commercial )

don’t listen to them, when you hear them just ignore them and don’t let them have any power
distraction is good, focus on something else

Something else you will eventually take note of is the worst instances tend to start around 5pm - night fall - hence all the stories of people changing into monsters come evening time. It’s because that’s the time of night that our subconscience (self defense system (intentionally more negative)) starts to wake up for bed time.

For the same reason you’ll also notice more issues when something has upset you and yes…most of that upset will be a result of ironic frustration in recognition of the hidden challenge your trying to overcome yet getting served crow by people whose idea of ‘suffering’ is not receiving an expensive gift on Valentines’ Day.

Another thing that has helped me a great deal is realizing that most people around us are incredibly simple-minded and stupid so much that they are in a state of oblvious bliss but also realzing their ignorance isn’t entirely their fault and moving forward forgiving and simply ignorning them.

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One thing that invalidates them for me as actual people is that i have both male and female voices. But i just think how stupid it is for them to be gender specific–think (say to them) "do you have a penis or vagina? :). Their respone is usually some stunned sounding mumble. I realize how ridiculous they are to be anything close to human and then that invalidates anything further that i “hear”. Hope this helps someone else