How can I have dates with schizophrenia?

I think the lonliness is much harder for straight guys than for anyone else. Women and LGBT folks have a culture of being emotionally affectionate with their friends, and looking to friends for support. Straight guys are discouraged from seeking this very normal human need with anyone besides a girlfriend/wife. So straight guys have it much worse when they can’t get a girlfriend, because they have zero sources of emotional validation when all human beings need at least one.

I think it comes off a bit patronizing when women and lgbt folks on the forum dismiss the intense lonliness these guys can feel. Yes, forming friendships is also important. Yes, you should like your life before you seek to share it with others. But humans need someone to be emotionally close to, it literally keeps our brain chemistry in check. And straight guys are just starved for those opportunities.


I guess I’m an outlier because I have never had one and don’t need one.:rofl: I’m one who keeps his cards close to his chest. You’d have to read my mind to understand me. :rofl: Then you’d just be more confused. :rofl:

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