How can I have dates with schizophrenia?

I meant survival is more important like I would chose being able to work over a partner and no job. There are more important things in life. I just see it as something extra and I had a gf for 5 years.

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Interesting that you see work as the most important factor in your life.

Hopefully one day you’ll be able to return to it. :slight_smile:


Thanks, of course we need money to eat and live.

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Work also gives me confidence in myself.

My wife admitted that she wouldn’t have been interested in me when we met if I wasn’t able to support myself, she wasn’t looking to take on a dependent.



I suppose that as exemplified by @shutterbug that if you get a job as a matter of priority then the rest follows. It is certainly more likely to.


I had a profile on No Longer Lonely in my 20’s. Didn’t really talk to anyone I was too shy and didn’t meet anyone through it at all. It’s a dating site for people with mental illnesses. I’ve had like 2 dates in my 30’s. One was with a much younger girl I think she was 18. She asked for my number and I stopped by her house. She made tea and we sat in her bedroom and watched some tv and made out. The other was an old friend I had already sort of hooked up with we were at her 27th birthday party and we made out while swimming in an indoor pool. Pretty sad. My early 20’s were pretty sad as far as dating. I lived with a friend for 7 months before I flipped out and moved back home. We werent involved romantically. There was a few years there without anyone. I made out with a woman at a bar when I was 22 and then my mid 20’s I had 3 relationships one lasting off and on until my late 20’s. We recently started talking again but she lives in Texas now so I don’t know about us seeing each other.

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Before I was symptomatic with mental illness in my teens I had several longer relationships. My first was from 14-16 though we broke up a couple of times towards the end and she went out with other people. She was a best friend of mine and was very free spirited so it was hard at times being with her. The next was a relationship of a few months with this girl and then I met my next girlfriend when I was 17 we were together for over a year and a half and remained friends until I was 23 though we rarely saw each other at the end. We started a band together when she was in high school I dropped out and worked for the most part. She went on to start a band in her early 20’s and I used to go to her shows. She put out a few albums locally and did a short tour of Europe with a local band. I still have one of her ablums which is pretty good in one of her songs is actually a conversation
i had with her one very drunk night on the way home from a party.

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I didn’t go back to work because I wanted to be able to date, I went back to work because I’m one of those people who goes nuts when he’s not working. Or busy with something. Those who know me personally always see me with several projects on the go. Having to park some personal businesses and my volunteering because of COVID is adversely affecting my mental health because I would normally be doing more than I am right now.

The wife thing just sort of happened, wasn’t planned other than tossing out a free singles ad for the hell of it. Figured I might get a few booty calls out of it, y’know?



I know of a squirrel joke: I asked the neighborhood squirrels about you. They checked their records, and said that you’re sort of like all of the other people. You don’t climb much.

I was recently on a dating site but I gave up with it. For me it’s not directly the diagnosis I have that’s the problem but indirect things that stem from it like lack of motivation. Feeling difficult to relate etc.


I activate and deactivate my dating profile like it’s nobody’s business. I can’t make up my mind if I wanna date or not. I love seeing what’s out there, though.

They’re all just jealous of my nuts.


I could be on a good date right now, if I could silence these visions and voices! I keep thinking that it has to stop. Shouldn’t they get bored and give up?

For most of us it takes medication. Without medication your voices will likely get worse and there’s a possibility of brain damage from prolonged psychosis over time.

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Honestly I believe love can find anyone. But you have to be willing to work with your partner it’s a give and take

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Based on these responses, I’m giving it a try. Sometime. Might be the worst choice. Hopefully the voices will ease up and chill out!

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Try for an orphan, if possible. Orphan who is a single child is the best possible combination. You really don’t want in-laws.

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Sure, I will try the orphanage first. Hahaha

Er… Generally advised to wait until your date reaches the age of majority!