How are u guys.....what are u doing to increase congnitive functioning and memory issue

i really want to join meditation…i did it b4 but after med this will be my first attempt…
if meditation fits me i surely going to increase the thirst 4 more…
being psychotic previously i felt hard to concentrate…
lets see…

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Lists, alarms, going outside when the weather is nice, eating regularly, taking my meds the same time each day, making sure I get enough sleep. Just normal things. Lists are extremely helpful for me.


Eating blueberries and chocolate and drinking tea.

I write and walk and read.

Meditation I’ve never tried but I do pray.


Link below to the free online dual n-back working memory training game. Estimated improvements are a 10% increase in IQ if played for 20 mins per day for 19 days (as detailed in the research section in the link). I myself have completed one cycle of 19 days of training and noticed a notable increase in mental agility and memory. Afterwards I started to have a lot of ‘ah-ha…’ moments where I finally realised what the hell other people meant when they were saying such and such. I plan to complete a further month or two of training with this game.