My working memory has been terrible. The last couple days have been bad and I’m noticing these little lapses in memory everywhere. I think it’ll pass but it’s scary.
I have a bad memory too. I mostly blame it on concussions I’ve suffered from sports. But sz/anxiety/depression probably add to it also
I forget most of my past, not like amnesia, but still concerning.
People say things I have done but I often don’t remember them.
Years of ap’s definitely don’t help either.
I have problems with my working memory too. You don’t realize how important it it for pretty much everything until it starts failing you.
I just started taking lion’s mane to see if it can give it a boost.
I have trouble passing the dementia test.
Yeah, I have that also. I was hoping being in cogentin would help, but it hasn’t.
The bonus for memory issues is you can re enjoy your favorite movies and video games over and over again .
Mine is bad too, however on a postivie note- When I went to this dating event for the second time, I recognised a girl who went to the event I went to before, I even recalled the name of the place where she told me she was from and that was 3 months ago! Why my brain remembers dumb ■■■■ like that, Idk lol
Thats not dumb @Mountain anyways, my memory of the past is very unreliable i get things wrong a lot ive come to realise. I can’t retain much information in the present either but i get by writing thing down and hubby helps. I wouldn’t say i have anything noticeable with memory problems, im okay