In one hour, our caseworker from foster care will be coming to do our first home inspection! We have been anxiety cleaning all week, and our house has never looked better. She’s going to give us notes on what we need to fix before we will be ready for a kid, and ask us a bunch of in-depth questions about our parenting styles and experiences. So nervous and excited! We are ready. We’ve prepared a lot, and gone over the practice questions. Wish me luck!
good luck @Ninjastar
Good luck, I hope all goes well @Ninjastar
@Ninjastar YAY!!! SO excited for! Best wishes!!!
Good luck!!
Good luck ninja! 151514
Good luck, @Ninjastar. You don’t gotta be perfect. no worries.
Good Luck!!! Exciting Times
yessss @Ninjastar you got this!
wow, how exciting !! happy for you two…
I’m late to this, how did it go? I hope it went well.
With Healthy Families we went over this curriculum called Circle of Security and it was really helpful and cool to learn about. I can’t recommend it enough of you can get your hands on a copy of the class. It was 2 years ago now so I don’t really remember a lot about what we went over, but it was totally worth it. It’s all about emotional security.
How exciting. What age child are you suggesting?
That’s amazing, good luck and huzzah to you for helping to make a child’s life better
My step aunt ended up adopting the 2 brothers she was fostering. They were like 9&10.
It went really well and we are officially signed up for classes!!!
Congratulations @Ninjastar!
The best part was that I had to disclose my schizophrenia, and the caseworker didn’t mind at all and said I will make a great parent. We just all need to pass a basic medical screening and my therapist needs to sign a waiver. This was my biggest fear, that they would reject me outright based on my disability even though it’s illegal. And now I know it won’t be a problem!
This is the best news I’ve ever heard on this forum. Congrats and well wishes!
Good luck, ninja. Hugs
We are doing a similar curriculum, but it has a different name in our state. I’m so nervous and excited, I can’t go to sleep! I’m just wired!