Getting a new kid!

We are getting a new kid, and it looks like he will be our forever kid! We met him yesterday and he’s just such a cool person. He’s really nerdy and loves science and technology, he plays the same games as us, and he is on high honor roll at school! He is 13 and has been in care for a few years, but it’s hard out there for teenagers so he hasn’t found a forever home yet. He’s moving in this weekend!!!


Oh, that’s great news! :smile:
I’m sure you’ll make a huge difference in his life, I heard it’s hard for teens to find forever homes


He sounds great! Have you had time to bond with him yet?


Sounds like it will be a good fit, I’m happy for all of you!


I’m glad you didnt have to wait long this time. I’m very happy for you.

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That’s fabulous! I hope he settles right in.

that’s a good age on your part, not a whole lot of extra care.

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Great news @Ninjastar! :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s great news! Congratulations!

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YAY! :smiley: :smiley:

@Ninjastar, is the child going to be adopted properly by you, or is he a foster child? Regardless, congrats!

Congratulations from me too!

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Looks like you’ll have to change your tagline back to #parentlife

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He’s in foster care for now, but it looks like he will be adoptable soon.


Oh that so so exciting!!! Congratulations!!!


Timeframe? Make sure your house is ready. :slight_smile: Not that I think he’ll make a mess, it shows order and structure.

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We are going to pick out paint colors for his room tomorrow, and he moves in this weekend!


F*ucking hell, congratulations @Ninjastar. That is a very abrupt turnaround. Just from what you said here, he doesn’t sound like a rabble-rouser. You’ll have to tell us all about him and how everything’s going. :smiley:

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I hope you can adopt him


That’s great! Older children and teenagers have such trouble finding homes. Everyone wants a baby. So good for you helping him out! I hope it works out for all of you.

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@Ninjastar. If he’s a bona fide geek you can check out for him. It’s a brain exercise site.

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