Court today

I can’t sleep because I am nervous for today. We have family court, and Starlet’s mom is supposed to sign a conditional surrender of parental rights, which will then make him legally free for adoption, and we will finally be able to sign our official Intent To Adopt. We had a previous date for this a couple months ago, but his mom wasn’t ready to sign. If she doesn’t sign this time, I’m not sure what will happen. The judge will either make a new court date a couple months from now, or she will move to go to a TPR trial, where the foster care lawyer will have to prove through evidence that his mom is unfit to parent. If we move to TPR, it could take up to two years before he is legally free to adopt. He would be 16 by then. I am really hoping his mom signs the surrender today, but I am also afraid.

Her incentive to sign the conditional surrender is that it comes with conditions. It states we must let her visit him a certain number of times per year (though, unofficially, we can do as many visits as we want) and we will be legally required to follow through. With a TPR trial, any future contact between them would be up to us.

The judge and lawyers consider us a low-priority case, because he is already in a stable and permanent home, so I am worried they will keep letting this drag on and on.


Fingers crossed she signs.


Much love. I hope she signs.


Hoping she signs. :heart:


Wishing you guys the best :sunflower:


Thinking about you, Mr. Star, and Starlet. You got this.


man I feel for you…I was involved with a custody case with a kidnapped child back before I got sick and I paid the money to go get the authoritiies involved and got the kid back…long story short…I do hope your plight is over soon for the sake of your new family.


I hope she gives up her rights. A real mother would want the best for their child even if it meant it wasn’t them. I know it’s a really hard choice but hopefully she overcomes it and relinquishes her rights. My mom gave up rights to me and I got emancipated at 16. Now I’m actually close to my mom.


Hoping it goes well and you get the paperwork pushed through.


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What happened with your case?

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You guys! We are adopting him! His mom signed and we are going to the adoption unit!


I’m so happy for y’all!!! :partying_face:

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Oh that’s wonderful!

Congratulations to your family.

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All the best @Ninjastar!

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Great news @Ninjastar . Doing a great job and congratulations.

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