Hmmmm.....I was wondering

Do you guys talk to any of your coworkers? Because I know I don’t.

I do… I’m just not very close to them.

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I do, not about personal things but on a friendly level.


Yes, at this current job I talk to my co-workers and the office workers. We have quite a few laughs.
But it was not always like this. I’ve been at jobs where it was like pulling teeth for my coworkers to get a word out of me. I’ve had a lot of jobs and some jobs I will talk and some jobs I won’t. I’m fairly shy and quiet by nature. But if I have the right people around me, I will talk their ears off.

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Usually out numbered by females most of the jobs I’ve had and on a friendly basis. I get on better with women then I do with men.

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I enjoy talking to my co workers have shared about my illness with 5 of them. Have found it healthy to not care to much about people talking behind my back or judging me. I have no one I need to impress. Treat others good and live for God’s will. Works for me.

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It depends on yourself. You can keep normal relationship. You can also keep very close relationship, making personal friends.
But if you have bad relationship, your job will have problems.