On an empty stomach. I feel I’m gonna lose the weight of the meds this summer by hiking. If I do this loop once or twice a week I will surely get the weight off. Awesome hike…going by creeks and rivers. saw some deer and birds, heard a whole flock of turkeys or something but didn’t see them. I love hiking. but man I’m tired. But don’t wanna nap because I have to wake up at 645 tomorrow, so better off going to bed early than napping.
I envy you. The closest trail the bus doesn’t go too. So I make the road work
Damn doing best with the circumstances you’re given. Admirable.
It was raining kind of but not really so it was nice. Making coffee now because I’m sooo tired.
Thanks! My resourcefulness is my gift I guess. I have not given up the dream of getting a place in the country. The woods do something for me.
insomnia is the worse.
On an empty stomach doesn’t sound good. The woods do.
Before you ever lose weight, you gain usually in muscle mass. Don’t be troubled if you gain even 12 pounds…just don’t get space madness dude.
Some guys in Afghanistan would walk by me with nvgs on and I’d call em out and they’d just keep walking.
They were starved zombies buddy.
I admire you. I wish I could go hiking every day but I have to drive all the way to the other side of the county just to get to the nearest trail which is at the state park. But I can see deer and birds in my back yard so at least I got something going for me.
Go here chief, and see (the real moose guys)
Go hike and portage and take your hammock tent and hang for the bears, maybe get a guy to bear arms for you or something depending on the smell and the time of year.
Go hike, canoe, portage boundary island, maybe even splurge for a cabin if you can!
God bless you active, god bless.
TOmorrow, I’ll teach you to tie a swiss seat for climbing and rapelling.
I’d like to do hiking and camping trips but I worry about SZ and anxiety interfering with my ability to do that.
Maybe I’ll start small with an overnight trip, and increase to a weekend endeavour, and maybe eventually a whole week.
I’d be lost if I lost my meds…klonopin OR abilify.
They took my abilify away I sort of miss it truthfully, along with my lurasidone. My VA gave me some city slicker pharmacist and doped me up into oblivion and just gave up.