High blood pressure?

My son has developed high BP recently and I’m wondering if it’s medication related? He is 26 yrs. old and on risperidal consta injection, risperidone, and zyprexa. He has been on these meds for 7 years.

I have high cholesterol, but that could be genetic. I’m also on risperidone. I don’t know if high BP is caused by it though.

High blood pressure is often the result of diabetes, is he showing signs of that or obesity?

@orange is right, heavy or obese patients have a higher risk of having high blood pressure, especially if you have diabetes.

I have diabetes and was over weight but since I have been exercising and lost a lot of weight, my blood pressure levels have normalized and are even on the lower side of things.

Being obese causes a lot of different health issues - high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels are just part of it.

I know that it is not easy to be skinny on these meds, but if one manages to lose some weight through exercise and eating healthier - it will eliminate a lot of these negative health problems.

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I have aquired heart disease from medication. High blood pressure is a known side effect.

There is something wrong with my heart. My blood pressure in the mornings is about 165/90 and 100bpm. Then once my meds settle its 140/70 80bpm. After exercise, it becomes regulated, about 130/80 77bpm.

I am on propranolol, Xanax and Geodon as well as nexium to keep from vomiting and waking up with an upset stomach at 1am. I still vomit in the mornings, it’s a real bitch.

I am going to see a gastroenterologist soon and I suspect I have a peptic ulcer. He’s my friends dad.

Yeah the high blood pressure is a thing, but I eat a pretty strict diet and I am in very good shape. I am pretty sure that I do not have diabetes and I am far from obese for sure.

I dunno, I think it’s part of the withdrawals from meds when I wake up. I immediately dry heave and feel like my fight or flight mode is completely turned up the moment I wake up, then I take meds and drink coffee and eat and then within a couple hours my blood pressure goes to normal-high from “dying” high. I keep gagging and vomiting and choking it back down for a couple hours every morning. Anything that goes down comes back up in the mornings.

I don’t even know why my blood pressure is whack. I need to see a cardiologist as well. I mean I am in good shape, I do cardio and strength training. I am very muscular, but not fat. I eat a strict diet most days. At first glance I look healthy, but stuff is not okay.

thats quite high! 1515

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