A filter for the individual to choose to have done to their user name only. I like debating sensitive subjects but I avoid proselytizing others because I think that when trying to convince others what we believe just tells me that the person needs others to feel like a fool as well so their beliefs seem more genuinely believable.
I’m versatile enough to consider any belief and to adopt any parts of another’s beliefs that are helpful in stabilizing my unsure mind. There are always doubts to deal with but I like to think I can be free to believe what I will without denying my own. If anyone attacks my core structure sure we all get disgruntled whenever we are attacked with words or even physically because that is how real wars are started and fought over, Those core beliefs are what we identify self as being. The problem is that all and everyone’s beliefs come short of being absolute and powerful. So we are all unstable and vulnerable to attacks by all and any means. Usually here, it is with words alone.
For some reason that is hard for me… I don’t know why… but I have to open them all… I guess there is a “dismiss new” button… sometimes I’ve had to use that…
Read what I feel safe with and then hit dismiss new … to take the blue dots away from the other stuff.